First Met

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It was a rainy day with a cloudy sky. Every one in my class were having fun. I'm one of the student in that class too. I'm Thaddeus Arison. I have brown hair , deep blue eyes , kinda tall too and fair skin.

One of my best friend, Zac always jokes around with me and the other. We sat close together well I meant in the same table. We sat in the second row and some of our friend sat at the first row and the third row. At the first row were Mary and Norta table, the second was us, the third row were Carlos and Louis. Zac is my best friend. He always has jokes to tell every one but he's not brave. Zac and Norta often chat with each other on the phone or in class time,sometimes I think Zac has a crush on Norta. Zac has orange eyes and black hair. Norta is an enjoyable girl, also she is a kind girl. She always helps some one feel better every time. Norta has pink rose eyes  and red hair. Mary is a beautiful girl with her beautiful eyes. She has golden eyes and brown hair. She always looks gorgeous whenever she opens her eyes. She is Norta BFF. At the third row, Carlos is a Shy person in our group. He has a huge crush on Mary but he never told her how he felt. He always bumps into Mary everyone time they walk across each other.why?? Well because every time Carlos sees her, he always keeps his face down. Carlos has dark purple eyes with brown hair. And the last one is Louis. Louis is a handsome boy in the class. Every girls will fall in love with him only just a second by winking his bright blue eyes to them. Louis has bright blue eyes with dark blue hair.
After introducing all of my friends. Let's go back to the story.
While having fun with my friends, someone knocked the class door. Our teacher Mr. William go to open the door then he saw the principal holding a piece of paper and a young girl about my age standing near him. The principal started to speak.

*The Principal* Hi Mr William. This is your new student. Her name is Marina.

He ends up by lending the paper to Mr William. Mr William quickly take the paper. The principal continue.........

*The Principal* Be nice to her or she will do something to you because she's not an ordinary girl.*

After the speak, the principal turns around and went away. Mr William closed the door and went to the white broad. He started to speak.

*Mr William* Ok everyone!!! Today we have a new student. Her name is Marina. Marina plz have a speech.*

He looks at Marina happily. Then the young girl started to have a speech with the low deep voice.

*Marina* Hello every one. My name is Marina. I'm 14. I'm the exchange student from  Willow Forest school.*

She stops and went back to Mr William. Mr William smiles at her and said :

*Mr William*Great!!!! Ok now take a sit. You can sit whatever you want. We have a plenty sit at the back.*

          Marina went there and take a sit. She sits at the end of the table row alone. The students were looking at her frighteningly. They scare of her face because it's been cover since she came here. The class went perfectly fine excerpt Marina. She keeps staring the white broad even the teacher told everyone to note down but no one can say that to her. Mr William Just looks at her and went back to his desk. After the school over, every one pack their bags fast and ran away. Only three students in the class room. There are Marina, Zac and me. I saw Marina was packing her bag so I go and say hi.

*Thaddeus* Hi there!!I'm Thaddeus.*

*Marina* Hi Thaddeus. I'm Marina.*

*Thaddeus* Are you happy to be in this class??? You seems sad to me.*

*Marina* Yes. I have to go now Thaddeus.*

she leaves without saying good bye. I felt very weird. Then Zac speak to me.

*Zac* Dude!!!!!!! What's wrong with you?!!??? How could you speak to her???!*

*Thaddeus* What's wrong?? I just speak to her for the first time.*

*Zac* Thad!!! You are really insane !!! How could you speak to a girl who always keeps her hair cover her eyes , sit without moving or saying anything to anyone and acts like an invisible person???!!!*

*Thaddeus* I think she just feels nervous. It's a normal thing. Whatever people go to another place that new for them for the first time, they act like that. Maybe you shouldn't think a lot about her. Let's go home!!*
Zac didn't say any thing back to me. Then we went out the class.

Well the next part is not yet done because I don't have time to write it. But I will try my best to write it and finish the story fast.
- Monipor

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