Chapter 1

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2 years 7 months later...

I stare into Nick's eyes smiling. He smiles, too. His palms are also pretty clammy. The priest clears his throat and turns his page in his book.

"If there are any objections..." He says. "Speak now or forever hold your pea-"

"I object!"

~1 month earlier~

"Miss. Parker, there are two people down here to meet with you." Jonathan, from the front desk, says. I quickly glance at the time.

"Send one up. I'll call for the other if this one is quick." I respond before hanging up. Nick gave me an actual office. I meet people before sending them to him or making appointments. I basically took over part of Hailey's job. A middle aged woman walks into the room closing the door. She smile and walks over with an outstretched hand. I smile and shake it.

"Hi, I am Amanda Greaten. We talked on the phone earlier." She says.

"Oh yes. Glad you can make it." I say. She hands me a folder.

"Thanks. In the folder are my ideas for Hanson Inc. that could make the stocks rise. When I talked to Mr. Hanson the other day, he told me the main supporting products, so I re-arranged everything and tweaked the strongest items." She explains. I nod.

"Perfect. I'll make sure he gets this as soon as possible." I say. She thanks me and leaves. I call down to Jonathan and have him send up the last person. I text Nick. [ Lunch? Or late meeting?] Someone knocks. "Come in" I call. I put my phone away and look up.


"A-Anthony?" I stutter. "What... are you doing here?" He closes the door making my anxiety rise. He walks over and sits in one of the chairs placed in front of my desk.

"I saw you that were getting married in the news." He says. "I came to stop you." I frown. "Now, before you say anything, just here me out. I know you are over me... obviously... but I still love you. I never stopped. I can't-"

"Anthony, leave!" I don't have time for your bullshit." I growl. He is silent, yet shows no sign of leaving. There is another knock on my door. Crap! It's Nick! "Uh... yeah?" I call. The door cracks open. My heart races. Suddenly, my little toddler runs in.

"Mommy!" My jaw drops. Oh my, shit! Anthony stares with a surprised  and hurt expression spread across his face..

"H-Hi Baby." I stutter quickly getting up. I pick Giavanna up as she reaches me. "How'd you get here?" She hugs me tightly ignoring my question. Honestly, she barley talks. Her sentences are full of random mumbles. I mean, she's only 1 year and 10 months. It's the best she can do.

"You... have a child?" Anthony questions. Jared walks in.

"H-" He immediately freezes noticing my situation.

"Can you escort him out?" I question panicking. He stutters. I rush out of the office, carrying Giavanna. I notice Nick making his way down the hallway, engrossed with his papers. I put Gia down and point. "Go get Daddy." She giggles and runs to him. By the time he realizes his daughter, she face plants into his legs. He immediately reaches down and pucks her up, tossing her into the air. She is such a Daddy's girl. I make my way back into my office. Jared and Anthony bicker. "Nick's coming! Go

! Leave!"

"How do you have a child when you told me you didn't want to have children?" Anthony growls. Jared shoves him to the door. They make it out and to the elevators just in time.

"Who was that?" Nick questions approaching me. Do I tell him Anthony's back? I shrug. "Oh, and how'd this little one get here?"

"Jared." I question.

"Right. So what do you feel like having?" He asks. Gia squirms.

"McDonald's!" She whines. I frown. She has never had McDonalds, I mean she isn't even two, yet.

"When have you ever eaten McDonalds?" I ask pinching her nose lightly. She giggles.

"Unc Jerwy." She says. Ever since she began spitting out words, she has always called Jared Jerwy. I look at Nick. He looks at Gia. She gives him her big eyes.

"How about Subway." He bargains. We usually get her a meatball sub, but cut it up so she can actually eat it. She huffs. "But, you behave and by tonight, you'll have a new toy pony."

"Nick!" I say. He shrugs.

"Otay!" She agrees. "Les doe!"

"Are we bringing uncle Jerry?" Nick mocks. I sigh. I need to talk to Jared.

"Uhm... maybe. How about you go... now, and I'll catch up... with Jared in a bit." I say. Nick uneasily frowns.. "I have to speak to him ... about business."

"Business." Nick states. I nod eagerly. "Okay... I'll see you shortly." He kisses me, letting my body shiver. He pulls away. I peck Gia.

"You not omin?" She asks.

"I'll be there right after you." I promise. They go to the elevator. I yank out my pone and text Jared to meet me in my office. I go back in my office and clear my desk while I wait. What if they run into each other? Jared should be smart enough not to say anything. Jared barges in and shuts the door.

"Why the hell was he here?" He asks. "If you were looking for a random hook up, I told you I am free." I hit his arm.

"I don't know! Randomly he came in and told me not to marry Nick." I  say. "But you cannot tell him he is around!" He scratches his head.

"Actually..." He trails off.

"Oh fuck! He knows? " I cry.

"Well he may or may not have seen him when I was threatening him." He says.

"Jared." I say.

"Okay, he was threatening me, but I'm not sure if Nick actually noticed Cruz." He says. I groan. "Why do you think he'd show up  after all of this time?"

"I don't know, but we have to get going." I say.

Authors note:

Hey my lovely readers!

Thank you so much for continuing the sequel! Oh my god I am sooo excited for this book!

So how have we been? Like I feel like it has been forever!

Anyway I know this was a super short chapter but things will get long again once things get into the flow.

Oh and I know that this cover kind of sucks so.. Someone can help me out and make a new one? Lol

I love you all.


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