Cry Baby.

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You seem to replace your brain with your heart.
You take things so hard and then you fall apart.
You try to explain but before you can start.
Those cry baby tears come out of the dark.
Someone's turning the handle to that faucet in your eyes.
You pour it our where everyone can see.
Your heart's too big for your body.
It's where you're feelings hide.
You pour it out where everyone can see...

Saddest boy he has to be.
Salty tears stream down his cheek.
His heart is bigger than his body.
His name is cry- baby...

Or Louis Tomlinson.

"Goodbye Susan!",Jay yells as she waves to her next door neighbor and his son.

She turns to her well dressed son; Louis Tomlinson.

"Wasn't it a pleasure to have Jason over?",She asks. Louis nods keeping his mother happy.

She picks up her coffee cup off the table and drinks. Louis turns to her.

"Mom, what is that?",Louis whispers.

She shrugs and laughs. "Coffee honey. Momma needs something to keep her awake",She answers before taking another sip.

"Can I have some?",Louis asks. "Well, coffee isn't for you. You- you are too young",She stutters.

"I am 17 mom, give me the coffee",Louis states as he takes the cup and drinks.

He turns his nose up at the taste of pure Vodka.

"I thought you said you would be clean today",Louis spat.

"And I thought your father wouldn't cheat",She spat before taking her cup and drinking again.

Louis rolls his eyes as he walks out the living room. He opens his brother Oli's door.

It smelt of weed.

"Little Bro! What up?",Oli asks.
"Mom's drinking again",Louis answers. Oli shrugs. "That's cool man. Don't kill her vibes. Whatever makes you happy",Oli says before taking another hit.

Louis bites his lip.

Don't cry.

Oli chuckles he grabs a coat and walks out the room. "Well, I am out bro",He answers.

Louis' mom walks up. "You two will not be going anywhere! We have a dinner with Susan and her family!",She exclaims.

Oli chuckles. "You're drunk and I am high. Let's call it a night alright",Oli chuckles as he makes his way out the house.

"Honey!",Louis' dad exclaims. "Yes?",Louis mom asks. Louis' dad comes out the kitchen.

He pecks Louis' mom on the lips.
"I must get to work,"He says. Louis' mom frowns.

"She isn't going to be there right?",Louis' mom asks.

"Louis! How is school?",His dad asks.

Louis nods. "Well, I must get going",He says as he walls through the door.

"You might want to go with Liam, Louis",His mom says before finishing her coffee. Louis knew what she meant by that.

"Louis!",Liam exclaims as he opens the door to his apartment. Louis wraps his arms around Liam and cries.

Tears fall to the ground we'll just let them drown.

Louis and Liam make their way to the kitchen and they both sit down.

Louis wipes his eyes.

"I don't even know what to do anymore, my family is fucked",Louis sighs.

"It will all work out mate",Liam says. "How? I mean we all act one way in front of people but behind close doors it's awful. And I don't know what to do",Louis cries.

Liam takes Louis' hand.

Why did you steal my cotton candy heart?
You threw it in this damn coin slot.

"I will always be here for you",Liam says. Liam gets up and starts to kiss Louis' neck.

"Liam, stop you have a girlfriend",Louis said.

Liam's girlfriend was really annoying. She talks all the time. All Louis wanted to do was pacify her.

"She doesn't have to know",Liam whispers.

Louis knew how much his mom was hurting because of his dad's other women. But Louis didn't mind being the "other woman",

Louis sank into Liam's touch.

"Let me help you forget",Liam whispers.

Louis was a goner.

It was around mid-night when Louis was walking back home.

He was so tired and he really wanted sleep.

Once he entered the house he knew his brother wasn't there because he couldn't smell the weed burning.

He went straight to his bed and went to sleep.

He was awoken by two screams.

He jumps up. He gets out of bed and walks down the hall.

He walks into the kitchen and sees two bloody sheets.

He could tell bodies were under them.

He kneels down and pulls back the sheets.

He sees his dad and his whore stabbed to death.

He felt a lump in his throat like he could breathe. And the tears fell.

He knew his mother did this.
He knew.

He stood up and felt a towel being placed over his nose.

He tried to fight his mother's grasp but he was already falling under.

Everything went black.

When we woke up he was tied up to his bed. He still remembered everything from last night.

He saw his mother enter the room.

"I know you killed him!",Louis spat.
"I did",She said standing by Louis.

Her mascara was running from her tears and she just looked older. Not like how Louis remembered her.

"You bitch",Louis curses. "Well, at least I am not a cry baby",She says as she holds Louis' mouth open and pours a drug down his throat, ensuring that he would forget everything he saw in the last 6 hours.

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