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His baby blue tennis skirt was short, showing off his silky, white tail. The fabric of his skirt bounced off his hips as he skipped though the halls to his small apartment that he and his mother share. Passing Louis' door made the sixteen year old remember what he's supposed to do everyday.

But missing one day wouldn't matter right? Harry thought as he scurried to his door, fiddling with the keys from his shoulder bag. As soon as he got to the mahogany colored door a voice was heard.

"Ah, I see my baby boy in his new skirt."
Louis' velvety voice sounded from behind making the boy drop his keys when he turned around.

"Evening Louis"
Harry nibbled his lip as he looked into deep, hunter green eyes.

"Good evening, how was school?"
Louis picked up the keys, playing with them between his fingers.

"O-oh, school was good."
Harry smiled
"May I have my keys?"
He added quietly

"I know this is your first day wearing a skirt at school, how was it?"
Louis stepped closer to Harry, looking into his eyes. There were so many emotions behind the hybrid's pupils.

"W-well, honestly. It was a yellow day, nobody really noticed, except for Luke of course."

Louis' jaw clenched, he didn't understand why Harry couldn't see why Luke stares at him everyday, his oblivion is a curse ninety percent of the time.

"Did he wink like last time?"

"Is that bad? He said he was being friendly, and he said to meet him by the school gates at six forty-five
   today- "

"You're not going."
Louis growled.

"But Lou, he just wants to be my friend..he said even his friends wanna be my friend too! Would it make you feel better if you walked me down there?"

Harry eyes twinkled in delight, making Louis look at him with a straight face. Narrowing his eyes.

"Only of I can stay and stalk those idiots."

"I'll buy you ice cream after, strawberry with extra whipped cream just so you don't do that."

"Harry thats your favorite."
Louis smiled

"Yes I know, b-but you said that you like whatever I like."
His ears twitched as he heard Louis sigh

Louis could tell he was getting nervous, Harry always gets nervous off the things and people that are trying to protect him.

"Go get dressed, its six twenty-five. Don't you dare wear a skirt."

Louis tossed the keys into the boys small hands before he slammed his door and Harry giggled, his tail swaying happily before stepping into his own apartment.

{lightly edited}

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