Forty One

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"JJ, we need to talk about what happened in New York."

The family was back at the Prentiss House, and after Emily had been settled into bed, JJ was down in the living room with Emily's parents. She sat in her favorite spot by the lit fireplace while Elizabeth and Maximo sat in the armchairs nearby.

"Yeah, I owe you two that much, considering what happened the last time Emily and I came back from there. Where do I start?"

"The top." said Elizabeth. "Please."

JJ explained everything that had happened over the past few days (the civilian version, at least), and by the time she was finished, Elizabeth and Maximo were both stunned, to say the least.

"She went through all of that, including getting those injuries, to save those girls?" Elizabeth asked at length.

"Mhm." JJ nodded, blinking back tears. "I'm so proud of her because she mothered them and looked after them even when she was terrified. It takes a lot of strength and courage."

"I know you've heard many tales of Emelia's crazy streak from when she was younger," Maximo said thoughtfully. "But she's always been very compassionate with children, especially little ones in distress. This is just the first time—that Betty and I know of—that Emelia's ever gotten hurt over it."

"Taking risks is in the job description, but you're saying that Emily going this far is nothing new?"

"Precisely. She definitely got it from her mother and myself."

JJ arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"

An impish twinkle appeared in her eyes. "As you know, JJ, Betty and I have been together almost an entire lifetime, but we often got into trouble together."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Excuse me? We did get into trouble, yes, but as I recall, it was often me getting roped in when Erin had the presence of mind to stay away."

"Will you give me an example of one those adventures?" JJ asked.

"There was one time when we decided to go exploring school after dark—" Maximo began.

"Woah!" Elizabeth cut them off. "How many times have I said that we can't tell that story without getting wine in our systems? Change lanes, Max."

"Oh, alright." He turned back towards JJ. "There was another time when we were twelve that we found an injured owl—we were in the English countryside—and we spent weeks and weeks taking care of it, nursing it back to health."

"What was wrong with it?" JJ wanted to know.

"It had a broken leg and could barely stand. We worked together to look after it until it was healed up and we let it go. Erin covered for us a lot, regarding the owl."

"Did you ever get caught?"

"No, actually, but there were a few times when we came close."

"And you took a risk over a wild animal." JJ mused. "Was it worth it?"

"Absolutely, especially because it was our first baby, of sorts. It's risks like that, to do what's right, even when there's a lot on the line, that Emelia learned from us."

"That actually makes me feel better."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "Yet, you're thinking of something more, huh?"

JJ nodded. "Has Emily ever come back from something traumatized before? She won't even let me touch her, except for where the baby is concerned!"

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