Chapter 2/View to a kill

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A/N Yeah like this is our sketch for our next novel/story/book - whatever. We won't start until Gravity is finished. What do you think? Anyway honk if you want to read the rest of this one. Super hugs

Picture: Flooded New York ( as the book ). Video Rise of Antibiotic resistance


/Boardroom of Metrothon /New York City 2060

"As so as you see, if the merger of our companies goes ahead I project total revenues for our combined companies to be in the high trillions per year. Something I think which would be good for your shareholders and given your share holdings let's not forget good for you". Jenifer said smiling to the board members at the last slide of her powerpoint.

"Any questions?" she added continuing the smile and counting the nods of approval around the room. It's almost a shame in 48 hours one of them will be dead.

'You guys are more screwed than a 4 foot cap on top of a 2 pint bottle of cherry coke' she thought behind her smil.

Jenifer was standing in the swanky New York boardroom of Metrothon. Jenifer was now the blonde in the Armani business suit the middle of the powerpoint spotlight where she naturally belong. Hopefully at this point your thinking, wow merging two large pharmaceutical companies looking for the next big strike it rich quest for the next viable antibiotic and still only 19, you go girl. Well, thank you, aren't you kind, but there are terms and conditions applied here and we will come to those in a moment.

Around the impeccably built oak board table are the members of the board of Metrothon the leading experts in microsythesis of artificial DNA. A start-up company which didn't exist five short years ago and it was all due to the CEO opposite Jenifer the ever suave adonis stand in Adam Grant. You may recognise him from all the carefully curated front covers of those magazines like the venerable Wired, and the trendy ones like God-head-today not to mention Did-I-mention-I-can-sh**-money-now ? He was looking at Jenifer with those sharp blue eyes and a face like he's just s***t in his pants and doesn't want anyone to know.

If his eyes alone could text to Jenifer they would say 'you are so lucky witches are no longer burnt at the stake' while her eyes would text back 'witches were never burnt at the stake it's a myth, no they were crushed to death by rocks. ' fortunately stares are pretty useless at complex forms of abstract communication like this.

Before Jenifer and leaning in , is the English director of European operations Nathan Hunt. Hunt a name that rhythms with what's on his mind and I don't mean 'blunt' but if you chose 'front, munt, stunt, grunt, shunt or manhunt possibly 'affront' then you're close but almost literally no banana.

Jenifer lips, a particularly expensive shade of velvet cinnabar, smiled at him in my cutest 'you don't realise how bent over a barrel we are going to have you in a few months' way. Naturally Jenifer won't tell him yet, it's not her job and she hate spoiling surprises as much as she hate losing a decent bonus.

Jenifer bat answers to detailed technical, financial and legal problems like a professional table-tennis star and all this time Adam looks at Jenifer quietly boiling. He hoped he could make them see sense later. Jenifer was making them all super rich including him too not that he needs it.

"OK with that it's coming up to 1PM here in Japan so I will leave you in the capable hands of Miss Archer here. Thank you" Jenifer I say bowing slighly.

"Thank you very much  Mr Kang Jian Kai" they say to me.

You possibly don't understand why Jenifer was talking about her in the third person and going all California-Geisha on people? Perhaps your confused by Mr Kang Jian Kai sounding like  he is the executive version of Paul Rue?  In fact, Mr Kang Jian Kai currently could pass very easily for a white Tumblr girl, but let me finish this all important first picture and all the terms and conditions will be revealed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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