Chapter 5 - Something's up with Felix.

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Kasper was correct about one thing: Grace wasn't the happiest.

Felix and Kasper walked together in silence the whole way home; it was only a short walk, maybe 20 minutes tops - but it felt longer. They'd decided against calling up a taxi - it would just result in unwanted socializing between them. And besides, neither of them had any money to spare.

By the time they'd made it home, it was past 7am; the sky was a cold blue, white wisps of cloud streaking across it. Kasper looked up at the Edwardian-style manor house as they climbed the dewy steps; he'd only been there just a little over a month, and already it felt like home - of course he had Felix and Grace to thank for that, too. They were his best-friends, always had been.

Beside him, Felix had already unlocked the door as silently as he could. It didn't stop Grace hearing them come in, though. They hadn't even made it through the door properly before they were badgered with a round of questions worthy of a television detective.

"Where the hell did you two go? I've been up since 4:00 am! Why are you filthy? Did you sleep on the streets?"

"We just went out." Felix mumbled, already halfway to the stairs. He refused to turn around - Kasper could understand why. Grace was angry.

"'Out'? Can you be a little bit more specific?"

"No." With that single word, he was gone, loping his way up the creaking steps two at a time.

Kasper could just make out the glint of eyes in the shadows of the foyer - Jules was home.

Grace turned to Kasper for guidance, her hair disarrayed around her shoulders. She spread her hands in silent questioning, fire in her eyes. She may have been dressed in flannel pajamas with a fluffy dressing gown - but she was officially frightening.

"It's a long story, Grace. Just go back to bed." Kasper tried feebly to brush past her, but she stopped him with her outstretched arm; all he wanted was to sleep. He hated confrontation. "I'll talk to you later, okay? Can I please just go to sleep?"

Grace's eyes narrowed to menacing slits, then, "Get a shower first. You reek - I don't want to have to wash your bed. Again." Turning with a stiff jolt, Grace left for the stairs, leaving Kasper alone with a heavy tension hanging in the air like a toxic fog. Jules had gone.

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Felix had tried to forget what he saw earlier that morning; the thought of it was making him feel rotten inside. He knew it was real - but he'd never let Kasper know the truth. That part of his life had been carefully buried, it was better off where it was. In the past. He knew he was lying to his best friend - and that it was wrong - but he couldn't tell him. At least not yet. It didn't help at all when Atticus or whatever-his-name-was showed up and made the whole ordeal worse - Kasper was onto something, and Felix wasn't sure he could back him up if it ever came to it. 

It was 2:30 in the afternoon, just after the household had eaten their lunch. If Felix had chosen to make an appearance, that is. Instead, he'd taken a walk in Hyde Park and attempted to clear his mind. It wasn't working too well for him.

Felix had stopped at a crumbling bench in Kensington Gardens, debating on whether or not to go home and face Grace again, when a shadow formed itself over his shoulder. He didn't think twice - it was probably just a cloud blocking the sun like always - but he got the smallest of feelings it wasn't a cloud at all - it was too familiarly shaped...

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