Tony | Sides

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"What is happening?" you questioned, frowns on everyone's faces. It had been like walking into the room of world leaders when the whole problem with Ultron had occurred.

Most of the original Avengers, aside from you, were seated at a round table, a clear divide occurring. Tony and Steve both had their forearms on display, bands of muscle tensing and relaxing with the fluctuation of the tension in the air. There was one seat left, right in front of you, away from the table.

"(Y/N)," Tony said. "Steve thinks that we need to protect Bucky. That we shouldn't turn him in, regardless of what he's done."

"He didn't know what he was doing!" Steve retaliated, clearly already losing his cool. You watched the both of them stare each other down until you broke the silence by clearing your throat.

On Steve's side, flanking him, was only Clint. It seemed as though the others from the original group or connected, that were still on earth and bothered, had split into an uneven playing field and had decided that Bucky wasn't worth fighting for.

You stood there for a moment, deliberating.

On one hand, Tony was your husband. On the other, Steve was your best friend with a history that went further back than any of the others, and your heart went out to Bucky who'd been used by Hydra.

You watched both of them for a while, unable to do anything. Your heart was racing as you tried to pick a side, both men ones that you loved, and both sides ripping you apart.

You pursed your lips before releasing them.

Reaching forward, you looked over to Tony who was visibly frowning. And then you walked toward Steve.


When the others had left - well, had been kicked out - it was only Tony and you. You could feel his eyes on you, even as you stared out the window at the skyline.

He walked closer, his reflection getting clearer in the glass. You met his eyes indirectly.

He had his arms crossed, his fingers tapping his upper arms. The silence was straining.

He cocked his head to the side, visibly confused. "Did I do something?" he asked.

You shook your head, sneaking a look at him before turning back to your city. "No."

The thought of leaving him was unbearable, but the thought of someone, who was technically innocent, being sent to jail for things he was brainwashed into doing? You couldn't let that happen.

You could hear him moving, the fabric of his clothes rubbing together. "Then why would you pick him over me?" His voice cracked slightly.

"I don't know."

"That's bullshit. And you know it."

You flinched at his words.

Tony softened slightly. "He's a fugitive. He's broken so many laws. He - "

You turned. "He's Steve's friend, Tony."

He went silent. "I'm your husband."

You nodded, reaching out to touch him.

You stopped before you did. "I'm so sorry." You kissed his cheek and walked past him, pausing for a second. "I'll see myself out." Then you walked to the lift.

Avengers Imagines Part 2 | The Request BookWhere stories live. Discover now