Natasha | Paintball

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Requested by maddygracew



One by one, everyone suited up. Only this time, it was kind of a civil war between all of the people in the Avengers group and not an all out war concerning the rest of the world.

You grabbed your suit, immediately pulling it over your clothes and zipping it up. It fit great and didn't make too much sound during movement which would help you sneak up behind the other later.

"You know, this is unfair for me," Tony said, looking at all of you.

"Well it's unfair for me too," Bruce retorted. "I'd much rather make the paint then shoot it."

"Yeah..." Tony said, drawing the word out in disagreement. He looked at you and clasped his hands together. You'd been in charge of picking this week's activity and this had been it. "Don't put us together please."

You laughed, lowering your mask. "Suit up, Stark. We'll talk through the rules when we get out there."

He huffed.

You grinned at Nat who lowered her mask as well. You both had a plan and it would be revenge for the time they'd crashed girls night with their petty fight about whether or not Bucky should be captured as a fugitive.

You held your fist out and she bumped it with hers. Then you all headed to the woods where you'd play in a couple hundred square metres.

Even though there were only a few of you, all of your abilities were finetuned to perfection, making a couple hundred square metres seem small. You readied your gun and loaded your gun with a single throw of the arm.




"Everyone for themselves," you said, grinning.

Tony shot you a look. "I see the big target drawn on my back."

Nat grinned at you. "Best plan ever!"

Clint only laughed. "I know. I'm going to win."

You rolled your eyes. "The rules are, shot three times and your out. Five for Tony because let's admit, we took his special power." That got a lot of snickers and laughs. "Last one standing wins!"

"You're on!" Tony said, full of mouth and not full of much else.

You nodded at Nat before signalling for her to go the opposite way.






Three... Two... One. It was on.

You kept behind the big trees that hid you completely, peeping out only to check on who was out there. Tony, of course, was there, and two seconds later, the guy had run out of his five lives.

He sighed. "So if I'm technically dead, then do I just lie down – " Both you and Nat fired at the same time from opposite ways, knocking his legs out from under him as he clutched them and groaned. You saw him let out one stray tear before deciding to stay down.

You laughed before peering out again and getting a couple hits to Bruce. Nat finished him off and it was in that moment that we decided that we'd work together.






You jumped, immediately tucking and rolling onto the ground, picking up a few leaves with you. You grinned, readying your gun. Lying flat on your stomach with a small hole through the bushes to guide your line of sight, you got a nice and clean shot on Thor who freaked out a little and started shooting in every direction. The bush took the shots for you and you laughed as you heard Clint groan. He shot back at Thor who shot back before disappearing behind a tree.

You got a shot from Clint making it your first, but you'd gotten it back, making you both even.

He looked at you before running toward you. Before he'd even made three steps, he'd gotten shot again before you heard, "Damn it! It's stuck!"

You laughed at the dumbfounded Clint. "Nice one, Nat!" you shouted. That was, until Steve came and shot all three. You turned around and shot him before finding a tree to hide behind.

You looked to Clint who was down, then you looked to Steve who was standing there, looking rather nice in his outfit that for once was not spandex, then you finally looked to Nat who had a grin on her face and paint splashed on her torso.

You both laughed before screaming and charging at Steve who was a little lost and startled in the screaming to react. You shot him once and Nat got the other two. Then it was just you two left.

She nodded and you nodded back. Double suicide.

You held your gun up and she held hers at you.

"Three... Two... One..."


The End.

Avengers Imagines Part 2 | The Request BookWhere stories live. Discover now