Tagged | Q&A

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Hey guys! I got tagged by captivatingcharmagne to do this Q&A!

1. Post the rules of any available book of yours
2. Tag 13 people
3. You can't skip tags
4. Answer 13 Qs then make up another 13
5. Don't skip that either (lol whoever made up these rules really doesn't like skipping)
6. You have 7 days to do this challenge (well crap I didn't know that and idk how many days it's been)
7. Answer the Qs on any free book of yours and follow the rules

Ok so, now with the Qs.
1. Favourite colour?
To wear, black. To look at, pretty tree green lol.

2. Top 5 favourite fictional guy characters?
1. The 12th Doctor
2. Loki
3. Thranduil
4. the 11th Doctor
5. Teddy (from The Dress Maker - guys if you haven't seen this it's such a good movie!! Much recommended :p)

3. TV Show or movie you wish you starred in
The Legend of Zorro because of the beautiful dresses and action sequences!

4. What book or movie do you wish you could have rewritten the ending of?
I would love to have rewritten the ending of The Dressmaker (but it was still a really good movie!).

5. Top 5 favourite fictional girl characters
1. Black Widow
2. Clara (Doctor Who)
3. Max (2 Broke Girls)
4. Scarlett Witch
5. Elizabeth Bennett

6. What do you love about your country?
I love that we trick Americans into thinking we have drop bears. They're not real guys! They're just koalas!

I love that everyone thinks Australia is so dangerous when it's not that bad. Though we do all wrestle crocodiles :p

I love that my family is here and that it's stable in terms of political conflicts etc. and there haven't been any attacks. I love the generosity of my government. I love that we're beginning to stick up for women in domestic violence situations, but at the same time I hate the sexist comments that come along with it.

7. Age and birthdate
Uhh.... Is that safe to put online? But I'm 18 if anyone is wondering.

8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I feel like an extrovert, but then when I actually talk to people they get the impression that I'm really quiet because I just go and hide in my shell haha. Can anyone relate?

9. Favourite time of the day and why?
Night time because I'm the most creative and awake!

10. What job do you wish to have?
In dream land, I'd be an actress or a singer. In real life, a manager or a Fortune 500 company or hotel I guess?

11. If you were given the chance to spend a whole year living with one fictional guy character and one fictional girl character ONLY, who would those two be?
The 12th Doctor omg because time and space travel yassss. And Black Widow because she just seems like an all round cool person.

12. Favourite fandoms?
Avengers and Whovians.

13. What song do you relate to the most? Or songs, at least?
I relate a lot to the song Stone Cold by Demi Lovato especially the part where she says 'I was your amber but now she's your shade of gold'. Gosh typing this makes me sound so sad. But yeah. Comment if you want the story behind it? ...No? Ok. I'll just sit here in my corner.

I also really relate to the song Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande because you can take the song two ways haha.


People I'm Tagging















1. Who is your greatest influence and who have you influenced the most?

2. Do you have any random writing rules? (e.g. if you've ever read stuff by Colepaldi-In-The-Tardis they've got writing rules for RPF)

3. Who would be in your celebrity squad?

4. Favourite all time movie?

5. If you could have a celebrity penal, who would it be?

6. What's your perfect date scenario?

7. What country do you come from and have you ever moved / are you willing to move?

8. What's the one thing you would change immediately in this world if you could?

9. What's your favourite song at the moment?

10. Who's your favourite person in the word.

11. What are your 'night out' essentials?

12. What is your religion?

13. What's your favourite soundtrack of all time?

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