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A/N Hello! I'm Kat, the mysterious shady person who Scarlett gives dedications to like a *insert witty simile here* I will be your writer for these chapters. I've realised Scarlett has made me out as some sort of dark figure. Probably true, however I have a very good taste in music. I'll be the one who will influence the awesome background sound the chapters that you should listen to while reading. I can't describe how exited I am for you to read my chapters and joining our epic quest too. Fun fact I love assassins creed. Also I spent about two hours writing over this authors note. Without further delay, grab a cuppa or a warm beverage maybe some snacks and sit down. And remember,

nothing is true, everything is permitted...


Well she always was....sort of.

Night. The perfect time to wander.

To do as I pleased she thought. The city wall looked much grander from a distance, closer it seemed too large. As if it's keeping every little glimpse of the world inside hidden. The question is, is it keeping them in or us out? Probably the latter. It was a whole other world in there, a whole other time. With colour! She smirked. Funny to think that they don't know what it's actually like. To survive in this grim world we find ourselves in. Now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself Anya. Anya. It was probably a pretty name once. Now it shows how times have changed. They all say you can't get inside the city. You can't. Not even the people who deliver food get it. I can. It's not that hard. A few gaps in the wall here and there, placed slowly and inconspicuously for years. Enough thinking about what has been done, Anya began to climb. Without pausing, she scaled the wall hands and feet quickly sliding in and out of the grooves.

Within a few minutes, she had reached the top of the wall. The first time she saw the city, Anya nearly fell off the wall. Not because of how amazing it looked but dazzling. It blinded her temporarily. Apparently, the outer city is the least bright place. Least! How much do they want to take? She jumped from the wall to the nearest building. The balcony door was open as usual so Anya entered. Bad positioning. Good timing.

The room was slightly less over decorated than the majority of the city. Only few couldn't afford so called 'proper' décor. She sat the brown chair. It probably had some fancy name but unlike most Anya had decided she best learned that colours that she 'would never see.' Going into more complex names was unnecessary. How wrong her teachers were about most things.

"Anya Fortue. So long it has been." a male voice said reverberating around the room.

"Miles. You've missed me I see? I would prefer if you didn't use my full name. News can travel...quickly. You of all people should know."

A middle aged man, whatever middle aged was anymore, stepped out of the doorway. Exquisite. Silk? clothes as always.

He chuckled. "I have missed you. The boys throw the information at me like a dog for scraps. Ah. Forgive me, here we do not worry about names I will do well to remember."

"Down to business. No news about Inmortuis. Keeping themselves to themselves as usual. Why you want to know about those kind of people still escapes me. I do as you ask and you pay me."

"In a rush today are you?"

She paused. "It's getting riskier to come here the guards are doing longer patrols."

He handed her a small bag of coins. "You inform me well therefore I will not question your decisions. I will see you when you can next return."

She thanked him then walked out to the balcony.

The wall was a long way up. Anya sighed as climbed up the rows of balconies to the roof. A brightly dressed child tapped on the window as she climbed. Ignorant. The surroundings overwhelmed her as usual. Shades of grey and muted colour on one side, spanning out into forever, and vibrant colours of the city on the other. Stood at the bottom, was them. The mercy of Hellstrand will be given to me if I get out of this alive. Anya jumped. Her pastel red cloak wiping around her form, light brown hair floating around her. I really should tie it back... Thankfully they caught her. They caught me. Maybe I'm not in that much trouble after all.

"He wants to see you Fortue."

Second thoughts well Hellstrand.

"Alright. I'll head there now." Anya said as she walked away from them. Head up keep walking, you know you've done nothing wrong.

"Oh do. It is better to face him now rather than later." he smirked as the group left her. Anya Scoffed. The second in command. Him? He can't even climb a tree never mind the wall. She would go see him. Now? Later? Soon.

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