Alone. ( naruto)

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I ran, my lungs screaming for air and fear filling my mind. Branches and thorns tore at me and the clouds darkened as I ran through the forest. A low rumble of thunder growled and a clash of lightning appeared as i burst into the clearing. I carried on running to the stone alter and it slowly began to rain. The ground had ancient runes on and they were all leading to the stone alter. I looked around the clearing panting slightly and at the cliff behind me, It growled and burst through the trees, it snarled and crept closer and closer. My eyes went wide with fear as it came closer and I looked around frantically. The rain pounded on my head as lightning stroke the ground inbetween the thing and I. I pressed myself self against the cliff wall as it crept closer. Then suddenly it lunged.

7 years later.

I took my usual seat, in the last row,next to the window. I sighed as i sat down just as Ino and Sakura ran in screaming about winning and sasuke. I pulled up my mask a bit more and looked out the window. Ninja academy was extremely boring.' Damn straight.' Kumo growled. I sighed again. Kumo was the no tails sealed inside me. She was a spider and her full name was Nan-bi supaidā akuman meaning No tailed spider demon but i just called her Kumo meaning spider instead.' Have more respect brat.' She hissed. I sighed yet again. Iruka came in and i zoned out. Something about naruto yada yada hokages faces yada trouble. I continued looking out the window as Iruka ran out to find naruto, the class went wild. Boys were yelling and throwing paper aeroplanes, girls were screaming over sasuke, i was looking out the window and some boys were planning to sneak up behind me and poor a bucket of water over me. I frowned as everyone looked my way and just as the water was about to hit my head i disapeared. I sighed as everyone gasped." Were did she go?!" One of the boys that tried to pour water on me yelled. I was attached to the celling , having a vain lazyass spider bitch stuck inside me wasn't to bad on the fighting front such as have the powers of a spider, suck as master hearing, seeing,web and moving really fast. I transformed in a big tarantula and dropped down from the ceiling , the class screamed. I smirked as i ran towards the boy,he yelled out in fright and ran as did the rest of the class. Iruka walked in with a ties up naruto, he saw me and sighed." Tabi change back." Iruka said, I saw hate in his eyes. I sighed and changed back, everyone gasped as I made my way back to my seat. Iruka hated me.' He loathes you.' Kumo smirked.' No shit Sherlock.' I grumbled in my mind.' Have more respect you damn brat and watch that mouth of yours.' Kumo yelled.

(Sorry for the interruption but whenever its in 'this' its in her mind. )

'Shut it, hag.' I snarled and made a chakra wall. I zoned in just as Iruka said something about transformation jutsu, i sighed and got up and lined up.' Child's play.' I grumbled in my mind. Once I was called up,i changed into the Hokage ,without using any handsigns, Iruka nodded and i transformed back, everyone looked at me in surprise as i walked back to my seat and sat down.


I frowned as i walked into my new classroom , i was five, everybody looked at me strangely." Okay introduce yourself." Iruka spat out through clenched teeth. I frowned and looked at the class." My name is Tabi Kumo and i have no intention of being friends with any

Of you." I said. Iruka glared at me and told me to go sit at the back.

End of FlashBack.

'And then on, i was forever bullied.' I sighed." Tabi are you paying attention!?" Iruka yelled and everyone looked at me. I raised an eyebrow." No, god your an idiot when do i ever pay attention." I sneered. He fumed, then lectured me and carried on with the lesson. I herd Kumo chuckling in my mind.

Time skip to end of class.

Blah blah blah ba blah exam yada yada tommorow blah blah yada yada Dismissed. I sighed and walked out of the class and back to my home. I lived in a mansion. I dont have a family because they were killed by Jigoku no akuryō. But my clan was extremely rich so when I came to Konoha I got a mansion. My mansion has 17 rooms, a kitchen,5 bathrooms, 1 living room, 1 dinning room,a library, 4 bedrooms, a training room, a study, a basement,a gym and a gaming room. It also has a swimming pool on the roof along with a hot tub and the gardens have a maze, a training area, a swimming pool and a hot springs. I walked in and collapsed on my white sofa, nearly all of my things are white. I went upstairs into my room. My room was light blue with a king sized beg with light orange sheets, a white carpet with a fluffy orange rug, a white walk-in wardrobe, a white makeup table,a on suite bathroom and a Tv with a PS3. I went into my wardrobe and picked out white capris leggings that went to my knees ,a black skirt to my mid thighs and a tight black tank top. I strolled into my bedroom and put one some knee high black boots and ran downstairs. I ran outside and bumped into a person." Ow." I hissed." Watch were you fuckng going." I snarled at no other then sasuke Uchiha." Hn." He hned and other me a hand up. I didnt take it but got up on my own. I sighed when i noticed a blush dusting his cheeks." S-s-sorry." He managed muttered out." Apology accepted. Sorry for bumping into you." I said. He smirked." Apology accepted." He said. I smirked." Well I'll see you around, Uchiha."I said before walking away." See you around too,Kumo." I heard him mutter. I went to Ichiraku Ramen and ordered a large pork ramen. When I finished my ramen I went to the weapon store. I bought more kunai, shuriken, seen on needles, arrows and a leather quiver. I ran out the shop and back home where i changed into m pjs, a tank top and some short shorts, and lunged into bed,i fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

Tuesday morning!Exam Day!Tabi needs to wake the fuck up!

I opened my eyes and shot out of bed. I had a quick shower got dressed into my ninja outfit and ran to the academy, where i sat in my place reading a book called 'Don't Be Afraid Of Death Cause Its An Asshole When You Are!'. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over me and i looked away from my book to see Uchiha." And what may the great Uchiha what?" I asked, a smirk appearing on my face." Can i sit in the place you are?" He asked smirking. I sighed then smirked at him as I shuffled to the next seat so sasuke could sit by the window. I sighed and went back to reading my book and Sasuke began looking out the window. As people began filling up the classroom, strange looks were sent our way. Just then, Sakura and ino barged into the room, they looked at Sasukes seat in confusion then their eyes laid on me. They ran up to me and began yelling at me, they saw i wasn't listening and they sent a punched to my head.i shot up and grabbed Ino's fist." OF FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU STUPID HORES GO TRY AND MOLEST A DIFFERENT BOY!" I yelled/hissed. Sasuke smirked at my outburst but everyone else seemed scared and Ino and Sakura ran off to there seats. Naruto burst in and began staring at Sasuke then looked at me then at Sasuke." How come you get to sit next to Tabi." Naruto yelled in. Sasukes face. He smirked and I rased an eyebrow." So you like Tabi?" Sasuke smirked.Naruto blushed." N-n-n-NO! I was just wondering why she was sitting next to and asshole like you!" Naruto shot back, suddenly the boy behind naruto bashed into him and Naruto kissed Sasuke. I burst out laughing as the boys split apart gagging. Once they heard me laughing they stared at me. I fell out of my seat laughing so much." Oh shit! Lol! ." I choked out still laughing. Once i had stopped i got back on my seat to find everyone staring at me." What?!" I snapped. I looked to Sasuke and Naruto who were blushing a bit while looking at me. I tilted my head to the side in confusion and they blushed more and looked away.' How strange.' I thought.' Ohhhhhhhhhhhh some people have a crush on you.' Kumo squealed.' Aww i thought you were dead.' I groaned.'well fuck of to you to.' She growled. Iruka came in and said something about tests and whatnot.

Very small time skip.

Finally my name was called up and I walked into the testing room." Ok you just need to make 3 clones." Mizuki said smiling." I know mizuki, im not an idiot." I growled and performed the shadow clone jutsu.15 clones appeared. I smirked and grabbed the only black headband." Call sasuke in next." Iruka growled at me.i walked out the testing room." Sasuke your next." I called. He frowned when he saw i didn't have my headband." Loser," he muttered. I pulled my headband out my kunai pouch and waved it at him. He smirked and walked into the testing room.' Well look out konoha, there's a new ninja in town and she ain't friendly.'





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