"It was an accident!"

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I was in my room playing with my new puppy winter. She's adorable and I just love that she's so soft and fluffy! After a bit Jimin came into my room "do you want to take winter to the dog park?" He asked nicely "yes!" He looked at me and chuckled when he saw my penguin onesie "I look fabulous so fuck you" I said standing up "I'll leave you so you can change" he left and I went to my closet. I couldn't find anything to wear, there was a dress but I only wear that on special occasions. I took a random shirt and when to my drawers and got some jeans. After I changed I put on my combat boots because I was too lazy to look for any other shoes. "Come here winter!" I said and she jumped on my lap, I put the leash on her and went downstairs. "Jimin I'm ready!" I said, he came out of his room and smiled "okay let's go"
When we got to the dog park I sat on a bench next to Jimin and took the leash from winters collar, she immediately ran up to another dog. I smiled brightly and watched her play around.


I couldn't keep my eyes off her, her smile is beautiful and I just love seeing her happy. She looked at me and I looked away before she realized I was looking at her, I just pretended to watch the other dogs run around and play, she seemed to believe it. "Winter come here!" I yelled and she came, I picked up a stick and threw it, winter went after it and I saw Autumn's smile grow bigger. She was adorable, but, she could never like me so I'm just going to calm down and remember that it would never happen. After winter came back with the stick I grabbed it and offered it to Autumn "want to try?" I asked "sure, why not?" She took the stick and threw it to winter, the small puppy ran after it and quickly brought it back. We spent at least an hour at the dog park, we decided to go opportunity a walk and we were walking on a bridge when she stopped to take a picture of the view. After she took the picture we looked at each other and a crowed passed us by, I got pushed into her and our lips pressed together, I had kissed her..."It was an accident!" I yelled after I quickly pulled away "it's just that they pushed me and I got pushed into you I'm sorry!" She smiled softly as I blushed bright red, she was also blushing but not as much as me. We continued walking but we didn't say anything for a while "you didn't have to get all embarrassed like that,Jimin" she said with that amazing voice of hers...okay, I really have to stop saying stupid romance type things "i know... but still!" I said and we got home, we invited some friends over, ordered pizza and watched movies, we didn't mention it at all, it was out little secret.

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