AGNC: Chapter 13 | Putt Putt

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"There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will." 

Chapter 13: Cassandra

"Ma! Where's my grey all-stars!"  I yelled from my room as I was rummaging through the pile of clothes sitting at the bottom of my closet for my shoes. The bottom of my closet was where all of the unfolded clothes and shoes I was too lazy to put back into their boxes and on the hangers were. 

The putt putt golf double date was tonight and to say I was looking forward to it wouldn't be a complete lie. Of course I ready to go have fun with my boyfriend who seemed to be super busy with basketball. Any time I could get with him was time i took precious. But it was Aspen and her jealousy that was drama I wasn't looking forward to. If I had to sit there and watch her tongue him down, I promise I would stop the vomit from coming out. 

"Ma!" I called again. If they weren't here in my room then it was guaranteed my mom had them. I swear she only bought me shoes just to wear them herself. 

"What?" Ma had her head peaked in the doorway with a half smoked blunt in between her lips. To any outsider this would probably scream neglect, but Ma and JD were far from it. Seeing blunts and weed everywhere was as normal as taking showers. It was expected.

"Where are my grey shoes?" I asked.

"Mmm. Check my closet. I wore them yesterday."

"Dang Ma, you could at least put them back in my closet. You know I wear them too."

"Please, you wore them once and I bought those a year ago. Should let me keep them." She took a few hits of the blunt then walked in my room, flicking the ashes into my ash tray. Told you I dabble a little here and there myself. But only enough JD approves of. He doesn't want me turning into a pothead but the occasional smoker is okay. 

"No, for cases like this, I might wanna wear them." I said getting to my feet and grabbing my daisy dukes and white crop top from my bed. Now all I had to do was find my red flannel shirt.  

"Yeah okay. I'm tellin you, if you don't wear them again soon after tonight, I'm taking them for myself. I'll give you my louis vuitton in exchange, deal?" I placed my hand on my hip and seriously thought it over. I've been eying that purse for years. "Okay, deal." 

She nodded her head and took it upon herself to sit on my bed as I got ready. "Where you going?"

Once I had my shorts and top on, I wrestled my hair out of the sloppy bun and fluffed it out. All I needed to do was put some leave-in conditioner in and I was done. I loved my curls and never did anything to really ruin the texture. Everybody now-adays wanted to perm their hair. Not me, my curls was one of the best things i loved about myself.

"Keith and I are going to meet Aspen and Tyrone at the putt putt golf place downtown." My mom shook her head lightly.

"You know, don't get me wrong. Keith is a very nice boy but I was sure you and Tyrone were going to end up together. once upon a time, you two were joined at the hip." It was true. Before it was Nova, Tyrone and I, it was just Tyrone and I. Nova came into the picture a year after him and I met and of course the rest was history. But my mother wasn't the only who felt that way. Everyone who knew us always said the same thing thatTyrone and I were going to be high school sweethearts. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah well, we got older and he discovered girls and I discovered boys." 

"Well, if you ask me," She stood to her feet and headed to the door not before putting out what was left of her blunt in my ashtray. "I say you two are still gonna end up together. Call it a mother's intuition and I just can't wait to have grandbabies." She smiled then disappeared out my doorway. Don't get me wrong, I've thought about it once or twice, but there was definitely nothing going to happen now. He had Aspen and I had Keith. seemingly we were happy. 

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