AGNC: Chapter 1 |Start From The Top

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"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."- Oprah Winfrey

Chapter 1: Cassandra (2006, junior Year)

"Keith, go somewhere!" I squealed. I pressed my back against the locker doors cheesing like a pre-teen being buttered up by her crush. It was the end of the school day and he just so happened caught me putting my books away.

Keith leaned in, just before licking his lips and showing me those pearly whites. Keith was a beyond handsome chocolate brother. He had a smile that can stop traffic with one deep dimple in his left cheek. He also a low fade with a chin strap(side burns plus chin hair connected) with the softest hair and the cutest New York accent. He wasn't the tallest thing in the work but he was taller than me by a few inches and I stood at 5'5.

"I can't kiss my girl?" He asked placing one hand the side of my face while the other held the strap of his book bag on his shoulder. I playfully rolled my eyes and kissed my teeth.

"You must be sick or something." I pressed the my hand against his forehead pretending to take his temperature. "No, you feel fine. That can't be it. Well then if you're not sick then you must have completely lost your mind." I joked dropping my hand back to my side.

He chuckled. "Aight, you say that now ma but don't come chasing me when you see me wit another girl on my arm."

I kissed my teeth and folded my arms over my chest, my tote purse sliding down my arm. "Yeah, okay. We'll see." Keith was damn near sexy, but he had a rep. It didn't hurt that I had a crush on him but I knew how extensive his rap sheet was. He had girls falling at his feet left and right and this wasn't some teenage high school love story. I wasn't tryna deal with him on that level.

He took a step back and kept his mega watt smile. "You will be mine Cassy, just watch yo." I playfully waved him off and just in time too because I could hear Nova's loud click clack of bangles all the way down the hall. She would catch a whole attitude if she seem how close he was on me a few moments ago.

"Cassy! Girl, what you doin' messin' with this bum." She sneered when she approached us. Nova had a deep dislike for Keith ever since he turned her down when she tried to push up on him. Even I knew Keith liked the chase and he just wasn't into her. Don't get me wrong Nova was my nigga since the sand box, literally but she was a little loose. More than I'd like to acknowledge.

"Bum?" Keith raised his eyebrow in amusement. "If I'm a bum, then you must be da cardboard box I live in. And take them dumb ass silly bands off ya arm and why in the fvck you have on so many bangles? Soundin' like bells on a Christmas tree. You sixteen not ten, son." I tried my hardest not to laugh out loud.

Nova flipped her hair over her shoulder and rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm not your son, I'm a lady,"

"Could have fooled me." He said beneath his breath but she didn't seem to notice.

"And I can wear whatever the fvck I want." She retorted. "Know what, lets go Cassy. This nigga finna make me catch a body."

I looked between them and shook my head and chuckled. It never failed, how funny these two are when they were together. They hated each other so much, it tickled my ribs.

"Cant," I started. "Gotta wait for Tyrone. He's our ride."

"If you need a ride I can-,"

"Hell Naw, I ain't riding anywhere with you."

"You got two feet, you can walk. Or get on your hands and feet. That'll work too."

"You know what motherfu-,"

"Okay!" I said loudly, stopping Nova mid sentence. I grabbed her arm and started towards the glass double doors that led to the front of building. This was getting out of hand. "We're gonna get going, but I'll see you tomorrow. Aight?"


I dragged Nova out the doors and to the student parking lot towards Tyrone's car. I let go of Nova's arm and leaned back against the hood of his 2004 Maxima.

"Why you gotta start shit Nova?" I asked as I started rummaging through my bag for my keys and phone. I had to double check I had them. The last time I left them in my locker and the building had already been locked down. A night without my phone was pure torture. I felt the keys now my phone.

"I didn't do anything, he's always treating me like I'm the scum on the bottom of his shoe when I ain't done shit to him."

Aha! Phone! I pulled it out and started scrolling through my facebook. It was this new social media site that just popped up. I fugured since I heard it on the radio, I had to try it.   

"Didn't you try to sneak into his car that one time?" I saw nova out of my peripheral lean back against the car beside me.

"Bitch, that doesn't count. He told me he was going to visit his Grandma, but I knew he was gonna see that bitch Shante."

"The one with the fat ass?"

She scoffed. "Whatever, that shit fake."

The next few minutes consisted of Nova telling me about some new guy she met named Kevin. He's supposedly related to some celebrity and yadda yadda yadda. I honestly stopped listening. That girl had serious mouth diaherra.

"What up ya'll?" I looked up and Tyrone was walking towards us. He had on his track uniform but it was covered in sweat. His shirt was muscle tight, outlining every muscle he had on his over developed body. Whenever we went out people always thought he was at least 24. He was a milk chocolate with matching dark brown eyes. A strong defined jaw-line with nice sized muscles. You could even seen the outline of his abs.  Tyrone was no doubt handsome and it didn't help that he was also the perfect gentlemen but even he had an extensive track record with girls too.

"Hey Tyrone," I greeted.

"Hey," Nova grumbled. Before climbing into the car when he unlocked it.

"What crawled in her ass and died?"

"Keith." I said before climbing in the passenger side.

"Ah." He replied, tossing his gym bag in the trunk and getting in the driver seat.

"Can we go to the mall?" Nova asked leaning forward.

"I can't, got a chemistry test tomorrow that I need to study for." I replied. I didn't have the time to goof around today. I was serious when it came to school. I may not had a 4.0gpa but I was proud of my 3.2gpa. And would do all that I can to keep it. I was getting out the hood and going to college and there was no doubt about it.

"I don't care what y'all do, but take me home first." Tyrone nodded his head.

"I can't go anyway, Vanessa coming over." He said her name like it was the sweetest treat.

"The one with the big titties?"

He rubbed his hands together and grinned. "Yup!"

"You must got mommy issues or some shit."

"Fvck you nova. Stop hating."

"Tried that and you turned me down remember?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I remembered that shit. We met Tyrone in middle school and she was all over him but he wasn't tryna catch what she was throwing. He turned her down quick as hell saying he had his eyes on someone else.

At that moment, in the car while I looked at Tyrone's shocked expression, I came to a definite conclusion. My friend was a damn hoe.


Anyone remember me mentioning Kevin? hehe, if not, should have paid attention! Hint, chapter 28 

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