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Chapter 2

May 21, X877
Mermaid Kingdom of Atlantis
Birthday of the Princess

"It has been two months since the demon king escaped. WHERE IS HE!!" Jainir Locksar shouted at his advisers.

The old mermen tremble as the bald headed mer-king furiously swam about the ocean throne room. A golden and white throne stood high behind him, it was decorated with beautiful clams of all sizes and round pearls tracing along the edges. The throne was always a highlight at any form of meeting, it was simply, magnificent. It glistens under the evening setting sun lighting up the entire room giving off a warm feeling.

On the other hand, things were anything but, as the king was worried, scared even. Gray Fullbuster, The most vicious demon to ever live, is now granted the power of A Demon King thus giving him even more power, had escaped from prison that he put him in.

Gray is known for his vengeful spirit and Jainir knows it would never rest.

"My lord I don't think today is the right day for you to worry yourself over this" one of the men says

"Yes yes. It is the beloved anniversary of Atlantis' creation and your daughter's twentieth birthday" 

"He is right!" They murmur together

Jainir begins to scratch his bald head thinking of what to do. He knew the men were right, it was finally the year for his daughter to officially be crowned as the future queen of Atlantis and nothing would stop this joyous day.

"We will worry about Gray after the celebration then" Janir states "And you are not to say anything to worry the people am I understood?"

"Yes my lord!" They all respond.


"Pearls, diamonds, gold and silver are said to be a girl's bestfriend. Whether worn for a romantic swim out to Moon essence bay, or dolled up for the princess' coronation, accessories, even just a tiny nob erring could bring a smile to your face" A very curvaceous, light brunette, mother of two says as she scans through a table filled with fine jewelry 

"Yea" A small voice cries "I've heard- ow!" The young lady screams as the old dressmaker sticks her for the 47th time

"I'm sorry your highness" the dress maker says before carrying on 

"Oh, how I missed being young and free. Oh the nights the girls and I would sneak out chasing after sea horses on the early morn"

"Hmmhm" The young lady responds scowling as she watches the old dressmaker line up her target once more, if she didn't know any better it would seem like the dressmaker was doing it on purpose.

"Come now princess we have to curl your hair, do your make up, polish your nails-"Madam Evergreen says listing on her fingers, all the things needed to be done to the princess

Juvia, filled with a sense of relief, pops up from behind a curtain and scurries towards the small stool before Evergreen. Anything to get away from that old monster with a pin.

"Do I have to dress up this much, Its just my birthday" Juvia whines

Madam Evergreen looks shocked at Juvia's words "It is not just your birthday, It is also the anniversary of Atlantis' birth and what kind of princess doesn't try to show-off her beauty on this divine day"

"A very modest princess" Juvia whispers 

"Not to mention that you are now twenty and should be looking for the potential future king" The old monster with a pin comes forth and says

Demon Tail  (Book 1)  ~Gruvia~Where stories live. Discover now