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Chapter 29

June 8, X877

12 AM

Ultear paces around Yukino's bedroom with her nails to her teeth and her expression filled with worry, the moon glancing down on her with pity. She had not received any word from Razor whether the job had been finished or not, nor was she going to sit around and watch. To avoid suspicion Ultear had hatched this plan in secret. She knew that the guards main job in such a situation would be to protect her. No one really questioned her decision to leave the girls out there, she was the Queen her life was more valued than theirs.

She releases a heavy breath and clears her mind. A loop sided grin stretched across her lips she had won. Now Gray would only have her in his heart, no prophecies, no fate. It was all her now!

She saunters out of the room and down the hall. She hears loud mumbles and heavy foots steps travelling through the small castle. As she gets closer to the top of the stairs, she falls to her knees her expression filled disbelief and dread. There on a stretcher being escorted into the living room was an unconscious Juvia filled with cuts and bruises. Tears of anger begin to form in her ducts. Yukino who had been opening the door for the rest of the girls who were on stretchers, shoots her cousin a deadly stare.

Angel unlike her family, was a kind hearted soul. She knew her sister and cousin had something to do with this, they were just that cruel. She turns her attention away from her cousin and proceeds to help the others, hoping that her messenger had reached in time. Because if he hadn't, she feared her cousin would do something even more deadly.


Angel dodges just in time as Ultear throws the night table against the wall.

"Hey, calm down" Angel demanded

Ultear throws a dark orb from her palms screaming at the top of her lungs "WHY WON'T SHE DIE?!" she demanded to know

"WHY IS SHE ALIVE?" She grabs the side of her head "We have to kill her; if she stays alive any longer I'll lose"

Her eyes danced wildly "I never lose!"

"Look at what you've done to yourself Ultear" Yukino says in a solemn tone "I am disgusted"

Yukino elegantly brushes the dark magic orb which is thrown at her aside "Even turning on family."

Ultear hisses "Family. Be my family and do me a favour and kill that fish"

"What has she done to you!" Yukino shouted "How has she wronged you"

"Is this the prissy, pure bitch I've been hearing about" Ultear chuckles "You used to be great Yukino, but now..."

Yukino straightens her posture "And you never used to be a power, hungry whore"

Angel gasps and Ultear's eyes darkened. Yukino gets in a fight stance ready for anything, glaring at her cousins, waiting for her to pounce; a loud knock brings them out of their staring contest.

"Your highnesses, his majesty has arrived" the servant announces

Ultear furrowed her brows confused, why was he here?

"Ok, tell him he can come in" Ultear says straightening up herself ignoring the mess behind her

"I-I-I'm sorry your majesty but the king is in the infirmary." The servant says

Ultear staggers back before rushing to the door and flinging it wide open. She bolts in a sprint to the infirmary with Yukino and Angel close behind.


"Are you ok?" He asks

"Your Majesty, you're bleeding"

He is.

Gray had received a messenger from Yukino telling him that Ultear had been ambushed on her way to her castle.

Gray was in the middle of a sparring match with one of his guards and had let the news distract him, he unfortunately had gotten cut by the blade. He looks down at the poorly wrapped wound with blood seeping through the cotton, he had done it himself on the way there and actually had forgotten about it; he was too caught up with the news that he ignored it.

He looks back at her beautiful blue eyes, seeing the worry within them "It's just a scratch"

In that moment they had both surprisingly forgotten the anger and the pain that they had caused each other. When Juvia first opened her eyes she thought she had been seeing things. Gray had been gripping her hand and held it to his lips, his eyes were closed but she could still feel his soft breath against the back of her hand. He met her eyes then and just started questioning her about how she was feeling.

They both turned to the room door as it bangs against the wall. Ultear disheveled look shocks Juvia; Yukino brushes pass her cousin and enters the room, stiffening at the stifling tension.

Ultear takes in the scene of Gray gripping Juvia's hand and begins to fume, Yukino realizes this and speaks up.

"Hello dear, I am Yukino. I'll be looking after you until you're strong enough to go. It's time for you to rest."

Juvia nods "Your majesties, maybe you'd like to retreat to the guest room, it was Angel's but she left so now it's free"

"Hey-!" Angel begins to protest

"Hush!" Yukino snaps

Gray stands his eyes never leaving his wife. Ultear expects him to come to her and console her, to hold her and supposedly love her. Instead he walks pass her.

Ultear scoffs. She was done.

Yukino was right. She changed too much for this man, a man she knew didn't want her. She had more worth than this, and even though she would give anything to be Gray's and solely Gray's, she knew she couldn't mess with the disgust of faith. She was through. But that doesn't mean she doesn't want to keep her throne. She'd die before she loses HER throne to a fish.

Ultear turns in her stead silent as a lamb. Angel followed behind her calling out her name but Ultear didn't hear her, she was gone.

Ultear's hand grips the main door's handle.

"Ul please!" Angel begs

Ultear stops, images of her deceased mother flashing across her mind. She glances back with a dark, blank expression

"Goodbye Sorano."

Demon Tail  (Book 1)  ~Gruvia~Where stories live. Discover now