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Cassidy ' s POV

"Bye Cassi!" I waved to my best friend Isabella and sighed.

Let me introduce myself. I am Cassidy Melia and I get abused from Noah, my big brother. This happened after mommy and daddy died in a car crash when picking me up from dance school. He blamed me for my parent ' s death and he has every right to. If it wasn't for me mommy and daddy would've been alive.

I have many scars from when Noah would whip me and cut me with the knife. I never cry when he does that because I know I will get hurt more.

Anyways, I have blonde hair up to my waist and dull blue eyes. Daddy used to say my eyes were like stars, but I don't think they are like that anymore. I am 65 pounds and 4"5. People say I'm underweight but Noah says I'm fat.

Anyways, I looked at my minnie mouse watch and saw that it ws already 15 minutes passed the bell rang.

Oh boy am I late. I'm going to get the worst beating ever!

I ran to the cherry blossom tree that my brother and I meet in and he was there looking furious. I gulped and said ," H-hi B- big bro." He looked up and smirked at me. He raised his hand and I closed my eyes when his hand made contact with my cheek. I started letting out silent tears and hiccuped softly. He was going to slap me again, when a boy with blonde hair like mine came and looked scared and tough at the same time. He said,"Hey! Your not supposed to hit a pretty girl! That's against the law!" My brother looked suprised and angry. He looked like he was about to pounce on him when the boy grabbed my hand and ran to the front gate where parents were. He walked in front of a woman who was taller than us and had hair and eyes like the boy. She said ," Aiden what took so long? And why do you have a good beautiful girl with you?" Aiden explained what happened and the woman looked at me with a sympathetic look. She asked," Sweetheart, where are your parents?" I looked up at her with teary eyes and mumbled," They are in a place called paradise."

She looked shocked and said something even more shocking, " Sweetie you are moving in with ya. No ifs, buts, or any other excuse. You have a terrible brother."


woah that was fun to write. I never wrote about abuse and I decided to write it because it reminded me of myself , like how I get abused from my bro because my mom died from,cancer and my dad left us. And I guess he let out his anger on me. Hope you like the first part!


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