Chapter 14

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'I think we should tell the BAU, they'll work with us. They already know something is going on. This is their case as well remember. If we can stop them here, we won't have to worry about any others. Penelope can set something up that alerts us if there are any changes on the files. She's not NCIS, nor has she been trained in the traditional way. I'm positive she could come up with something that McGee wouldn't find.' Tony explained briefly.

'Tony's right, we can't do this alone. We're going to need outside help to stop them.' Gibbs added, if they didn't get things sorted then he would deal with it, personally.

Vance stared at the two men, and finally nodded. 'Okay, talk to the team leader first and see what he says. He may not want them involved.'

'I'll invite Hotch over and we can discuss it with him.' Tony had no doubt that the other man would agree. There was no way Spencer would want to stay out of this, and Hotch would want to keep an eye the man he loved.

'Okay, we'll leave things there until we find out if the BAU want to help. If they do we'll have to meet somewhere else and make plans.'

'We'll call you as soon as we know anything Leon.' Gibbs spoke as they walked out of his office.

Vance lowered his head as soon as the door closed. He couldn't believe what two members of his agency were planning to do. They were all supposed to work together, and put criminals away, not become criminals themselves. Once this was dealt with he had to make sure that this kind of thing would not be allowed at NCIS. So many people had got away with too much when Jenny was in charge. She'd been too busy with her own vendetta, and trying to make herself look good. The agency had been in the process of being run into the ground under her leadership. He had made mistakes, but he wasn't perfect. He'd be the first one to hold up his hand and say I've fucked up. McGee and Ziva would be made an example and it would be what not to do in NCIS. They'd get all the attention, but it wouldn't be the type they wanted.


'We'd better go and update Abby.'

'You do that Tony, and I'll make sure that Ziva and McGee stay up with me.'

'Gibbs, we also need to talk to Hotch sometime today.'

'That one we'll play by ear.' Gibbs smiled as he watched Tony walk away from him. He was amazed how much had happened good and bad, in such a short period of time. Having Tony was worth any pain and he would make sure that the younger man knew that.


Abby just stared at her monitor and sulked. Why hadn't Tony come to her; she would have helped him improve his computer skills. She had already helped him understand some of his studies.

'Hey Abs.' Tony looked around to make sure that she was alone. 'We've just had a meeting with Vance. Ducky now knows all about it. He's going to help keep an eye on the medical side of things. We're also going to talk to Hotch and the other to see if they're willing to help. I'm hoping Penelope can tag the files so we get alerted if anyone changes anything.' He frowned as Abby's body stiffened as soon as he mentioned the BAU. 'Is anything wrong?'

She turned and glared at him. 'Why do we need THEIR help, we're a family.'


'You went to HER for help; I would have helped you with your computer skills.' She pouted.

'Abby, now listen to me carefully I love you, you are family to be, but you don't own me. I have other people in my life, people that are important to me like Spencer and Penelope. We're not your private property or your toys. You don't get to have a temper tantrum when people want to spend time with us. It's time you grew up. You get away with so much that you now act as if you're entitled to dictate our lives.'

Completed - Behavioural Analysis - NCIS/Criminal Minds, Tibbs,Where stories live. Discover now