13. Twist

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• Harry •

"Oh him? His names Harry and he's my boyfriend"

It started a bit like this.

The wedding was well, beautiful.

The chairs along the white carpet of the aisle were decorated with pink bows that hung from the back of the chairs. The aisle led to a crisp white arch with plants growing through the holes around it.

During the entire wedding I didn't find myself completely into the actual ceremony but I was lost in the beauty of the woman who was sitting next to me.

Elizabeth Jane Marie.

The woman I was growing quite fond of.

The woman I was falling hard for. After only a couple of weeks I was mesmerized by her beauty and her stunning personality.

Her smile was liberating.

Her eyes someone could just get lost in them for hours.

Her dimples I recognized as the sweetest thing on earth.

Her freckles that ran along the bottom of her eyes and over the bridge of her nose were just another perfection.

Her lips. The way they curved beautifully making me value the kiss that happened a couple days after much more since it could typically be a one time experience.

Her. Just her was perfect.

There was absolutely no imperfections I could see anywhere.

I'm falling hard and I'm afraid I'm going to get hurt, she doesn't like me. Hell, she hates me with all her heart. After what I did who wouldn't.

Enough of the sob story that is titled as my life and back to the wedding. I didn't catch much of it though so there isn't much I could say about it.

When the wedding ended there was a short intermission before the reception started and Ellie started catching up with some of her family while I just stood awkwardly in the back swaying back and forth on my heels.

The first person I met was Nana, as they called her. Sweet person she was, asking who I was and it felt nice not being recognized for being in my band and feeling normal for a while. I decided not to tell Nana about my band since we only talked very briefly only learning each others names and where we came from.

Next was Ellie's aunt, the bride herself. I found out she was a big fan of our music an I just smiled along while Ellie talked to her aunt for a bit.

That was almost everyone I met before me and Ellie were dragged into the reception area and showed to our table.

I soon found out we were sat next to Ellie's not so long ago ex. It wasn't all that well as he was begging for her forgiveness when I was sat in the very middle of them both.

And this is basically when all hell broke loose.

Ellie took the liberty to answer him basically crushing every single feeling I had inside when he asked who I was.

"Oh him? His names Harry and he's my boyfriend"

After that the jealousy was building up inside me while I tried all of my best to hide it. Fast forwarding 20 minutes into the awkward conversation I couldn't take it anymore.

I stepped up and sped out of the reception area and started feeling around for my car keys in the middle of the parking lot when I didn't realize until shortly after that Ellie drove us both to the wedding.

So I started walking.

To basically nowhere until I found a bench overlooking the same fountain I was watching with Ellie not to long ago. The bench faced away from the street giving me a hint of privacy.

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