6. Party Animal

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His eyes were still adjusting to what was going on after a while. The sight of me crying into Eds shoulder, and Ed looking so mad he was just about to punch a wall but softening his look of anger at the sight of me. One swift movement from Ed and it turned into utter hell. I saw it in Eds eyes he wanted to do something but he just didn't want to do it in front of me. It sent goosebumps through my body and I tried to help the situation. "Ed, don't." But of course when I try to fix something it goes completley wrong.

He looked at me mouthing a quick sorry, and went flying to Harry. His arm was raised at an angle where I couldn't see anything except Harrys eyes. All I could see was the look of utter terror in his eyes. I felt helpless. What do you do in this situation? Stand there and look at someone getting hurt? I know that was exactly what Harry did to me but I can't just stand there and look at someone getting punched in the face.

I ran and got in between Harry and Ed. My eyes locked with Ed's and my back was pressed against Harrys chest. "Ellie, please just go."

"This was and still is my problem, ok? Just let it go. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Just please calm down, and stay here for a little while, yeah?"

Grabbing Harrys wrist I walk out of the room leaving Ed in the large dressing room. "Was that how you felt?" I heard behind me just as I was about to leave to get Ed some water. Harrys face was pale as I stood there motionless not knowing how to answer his question. "Lets go outside and get some air, come on." I reluctantly followed him outside the arenas backstage door, the humidness of Miami making me pat my hair down. Harry kept walking away from the arena, and I didn't know why but I was still following him. He stopped by the park nearby. I smiled widely remembering I always used to come here when I wasn't feeling right, emotionally. He sat on one of the many wooden benches in front of the huge beautiful foutain, a seashell pattern around the the top tier. I sat on the other side of the bench from Harry, my smile still continuing as I look around remembering all the good times.

"You still haven't answered me you know" His voice said breaking the silence.

"Yes, I did feel the same way. What is that going to do to fix the situation right now?"

"I'm really sorry, and I mean it. Please forgive me. Please"

"No. I don't know who you are. I don't know if you've changed. I can't forgive you right now because I'm afraid you'll just do it again."


The concert started and I was right by the stage, sat there by a special request from Ed. Everything went smooth no fighting has broken out, and I kept feeling guilty. I felt as if it were my fault, and it was! If it wasn't for me Ed and Harry would still be best friends, but my stupid self had to tell Ed. I dug my face in my hands, and let out a groan making the whole backstage area turn to stare at me. My fake smile made them turn around and go back to their conversations, and I took the chance and grabbed my purse, phone in hand ready to leave when someone turned me around. Harry put down his microphone and said "Hey, hey you wouldn't leave now would you?" I stood there not knowing what to do. I shook my head not knowing what to say.

It went on, all of them singing song after song, ad sometimes I even found myself tapping my foot along to the beat of the music. All of the boys came backstage and after drinking some water they introduced themselves to me.

They all gave me a kiss on the cheek before Louis shouted "After Party!!!" I gulped knowing what happens when I go to parties. I get drunk, really drunk. Ed wrapped his arm around my shoulder loosley. On the way to the party I kept saying to myself no beer, no beer, no beer. But my plan miserably failed when I saw where the party was. A huge mansion on the beach, with chefs in the backyard with lots of selections of alchohol. This really wasn't going to be good. And of course, I was dancing with Ed while chugging some beers down when I completley lost feeling.

The next morning everything felt different. The sheets were different, the pillows were softer, but someones arms were wrapped around my waist. My head was throbbing, and I get the energy to look who was clutching my waist. His eyes were wide open, and when I tried moving out of his grasp something heavy on my foot stopped me. I looked down and I had my leg wrapped in a cast. Harry sits up on the bed saying "You never told me how crazy you were when you were drunk."

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