Chapter 4

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Ah, what the hell is that noise and why do I have such a bad headache?! Hang on, I can't move! What is this crap?! I need some answers now like a-sap and I need them all! Every single Who, What, When, Where, and Why, cause this isn't normal!

Let's just calm down Stiles, breath. Contemplate the situation. Okay, let's start with the beeping noise. What could it possibly be? Truck backing up? No, that sounds a little bit different than this noise. Could it be a phone? Never mind, that was just stupid to ask. The only thing I have left in the head, Aka The thing I think it is the most,is a heart monitor. Like one of those you find at a hospital. But why am I in the hospital if that's true?

THE EXPLOSION! That's right! When the particle Excelerator exploded I was struck by all sorts of items! Lightning, Energy, chemicals, etc.! How do I even live through that? That should've instantly killed me on the spot! Yet it didn't? Could the chemicals have saved me, or could something else have save me? The only other thing that was there was Barry and I bet he called the ambulance. He didn't really know me that well but he's a good guy for caring about me.

"Mr. Wells, he's been in a coma for 3 months now. That's to long. My uncle is heading back home next week and I'm sure he wants his son to go with him." A female voice that sounded like Kate said. Yeah that's most definitely Kate. And I have been in a what for how long?! Also, What are they both talking about? Am I'm not in the hospital? No, it's more clear now. If I was in the hospital there be more sounds than just the heart monitor. I am a star labs, but why bring me here and not to a hospital? Is it because they have better technology to take care of me? Most likely. Now only if I could wake up and say I'm okay, then that would make things splendid. However, the universe is never in my favor and I can't move an inch of my body or even open my eyes. I just want to go home my dad. This sucks. Might as well listen in on the conversation.

"I know Miss. Snow, but the boy ,he is unstable. He has had seizures for the past three months ,at least once every day, them doctors in that town will not know the first thing to do with him. It's best if he stays here until he wakes up. Then he may go home after a couple of tests." There was some shuffling around and sounds of papers being thrown everywhere. Who is making all that racket?

"Cisco! Pick that up right now!" Kate screamed, Walking away. She walked away but I think Wells got closer to my bed sad. Please don't give me a speech in my sleep.

"Hey buddy..." Oh no here we go. "Listen I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'm sorry I did this to you. It was a likelihood that the Excelerator was going to explode but I ignored it. I asked Gideon what was to come of this, and she had no answer. I somehow change the future. This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Apparently Barry supposed to be caught in the explosion, not you." Wow, so what exactly does all this mean? Was something supposed to happen to Barry that changed? And is it now going to affect me?

"After I ask that last question I locked Gideon up, so I couldn't affect the future anymore. It's just too risky for me to be doing. I hope you make it out of this okay, and –" he went quiet after that. What just happened question what made him stop talking a lot that? "You just moved your hand. Stiles if you can hear me do something." Trust me Wells trying, but nothing seems to be work-

" That's it Stiles. Keep trying, you'll get there." Well I guess I am moving, how about that! Man this is so hard to do, but I think I'm getting there. Focus Stiles, Focus on moving your arms!

Slowly, I started moving around my arms more and more until I was able to pick them up and grab the bed rails.

"Cisco, Snow, Get in here!" The pitter patter of converses and high heels came closer. They crowded around me and Kate took my hand and placed into her own. I'm gripped onto it with little force and energy since I could barely move, but it was enough to let her know I was there. I could hear her weeping a bit. I wish I could just jump up and hug the life out of her, saying it would be okay, Even though I know it's probably not going to be. From what professor Wells said, something major is going to happen to me. I have no idea what it is though. It could literally be anything. My question is, if he knew there was a possibility that this Excelerator could've exploded, why did he still turn it on? Was he really that desperate for attention?

"Stiles, can you say something? Anything at all, Just please say something." Kate begged me. I slowly drifted my eyes open to see three figures standing over my bed. It was all a little fuzzy and hard to see because the light, but I could tell it was three scientists. What can I really say in the situation I'm in? I mean the only thing I'm thinking of is the explosion and all the things that hurt me, so should I say that? No, That would be rude of me. Think of something else. Something better. I think I got it!
I slowly part of my lips, took in a breath of air, and slowly asked my question.

"What's going on?"

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