Chapter 30 *Last Chapter*

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Stiles ran and ran to the end of the blue light tunnel. He reached the end and smiled, running into white light now. He instantly blink due to human reflexes but when he opens his eyes once more he could see Central City once more. A smile creeps across his face as he runs past all the buildings.

"I missed this place so much." She states to himself. He runs to Star labs and looked around to see nothing much has changed. Stiles goes inside and into the cortex to see Kate messing with some devices on her wrists and Cisco was typing until the wind from the speed hit both of them, making them look up in anger. Stiles kept running around the room, not knowing how to let them know he was back.

"Damn it, Barry! You can't just-" Stiles stops and stands in front the two scientists. The teenager though they were going to be happy that Stiles was back, but they looked pissed beyond belief. "Barry, why are you in that suit! You know I didn't mean to kill him!" Cisco whimpers. "Don't you have any remorse!?" Cisco adds, throwing a paper ball at Stiles. Cisco thinks he killed Stiles, and now the speedster feels really bad for making his friend think that for so long.

"Barry, I know he has been gone for a long time but wearing Stiles' suit isn't funny." Kate grits. The teenager knits his eyebrows together and shakes his head. He has no idea what is going on, but he knows it's time for the big revile.

"Ew, has Barry been wearing my spare suit!?" Stiles laughs, taking off his mask. "I hope he at least washed it." Kate put her hands up to her face and began to cry. Cisco rushes forward and wraps his arms around Stiles, giving him a big old hug with tears in his eyes. Kate soon joins in rejoices.

"I though I killed you." Cisco admits, voice cracking. Stiles cries a bit, knowing he has caused so much hurt to everyone. He never wanted any of this to happen, it just sorta did.

"I thought we lost you." Kate is now crying full blown. She has really missed her cousin and so has everyone else. Stiles pulls away from the two, happier than ever.

"I though I lost you guys too. Turns out if I run to fast I can go to another universe." Stiles chuckles making the two flabbergasted at the new discover. "Yeah, I'll explain it all later but for now I just really want to get back to Beacon Hills. There is a couple of other people that I thank missed me as well." Kate nods so Stiles gives her a kiss on the cheek and runs home to his pack.


Stiles get's go Beacon Hills and doesn't know who to confront first. There was so may people he cared about that he wants to see again! Scott, Dad, Malia, Lydia, Liam. He thinks the first on his list will be his dad.

The speedster runs to his home to see if his dad was there, sadly he wasn't, meaning he was working. Stiles took this time to change into regular clothes and put away the suit in his closet. According to Cisco, it constantly needed to be hung up to keep it from getting messed up or wrinkled. He didn't want to face the wrath of the techno geek, so he placed it with the right care, putting on jeans, converse, and a white tee in return. Stiles then rushes to the sheriff's office and see that his dad is not their either.

"Man, this is a lot of effort." Stiles admits to himself. She decides to go all over the city to find his dad. First the hospital, no. Mental home, no. High school, no. Scott's house, bingo. He found him chatting with Melissa. Stiles hid behind a bush to listen in on the conversation.

"I still have hope of finding him." John says.

"John, you can't keep going with th-"

"You know what I don't need your input. I'm going to keep search for my son." Sheriff goes to his cop car, gets in and drives off as fast as possible. Stiles follows behind and gets in the back set.

"Hey dad." Sheriff nearly had a heart attack and had to pull over. As his heart was pounding he slowly looked into the back seat to see his son. Sheriffs heart ached yet there was a feeling of relief. John leaped out of the car, went to the back, opened the door, and pulled his son out. He gave him a big hug as he cried like a baby.

"I missed you too."

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