I Think it's Weird

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Okay, first of all, I have written a part about masochist and sadist and on my mind I was like What the fuck Girl, what are you thinking? Because, first of all, they sound so sexual and inappropriate. And second, I was out of my mind when I wrote that. Maybe, I was just influenced by the books I read.

Okay, so I think it's weird what happened to me last Thursday. My mom's sleeping upstairs because she had overworked last night. While I, I was watching Allegiant on my laptop and it was loading pretty slow, so from time to time, I would get a mug and prepare myself a cereal. 

As soon as I finished my mug I placed it on the sink and poured some water so the crumbs wouldn't harden on the mug. After a while, I took another mug and ate again but this time, I didn't remember putting the mug on the sink. Magically, it was there, and it didn't have water in it. So, if I was the one who placed it there, didn't I even consider pouring water like I did on my first mug?

I didn't mind it, anyway. I just shook my head and grab my third mug which was my first. I figured out it's much better to just wash and clean the cup and reuse it for my third cereal. This time, I was pretty sure I didn't place the mug on the sink. I placed it beside my laptop. It should still be there, right?

Well, I didn't have much time on watching my mug, so I decided to go for the good stuff, Allegiant. But, the internet was pretty slow and I was getting impatient so I decided to pause it and sleep for a while. When I woke up, it was 1:30 am and I never slept this long. 

Everything was quiet and my mom never went down. I knew that because her phone was untouched and she told me. The mug was magically not beside my laptop, it was already on the sink. Do you know what's weirder? There were three mugs on the sink. I only used two because I cleaned my first mug and used it for my cereal and my mom never touches my cereal. So, is it just me or? Uh, I don't know what to think. 

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