God is all love

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If God is all love.

why is being gay harmful?

a sin is not love.

If God is all love.
why is being gay harmful?
a sin is not love.

We're incorrectly designated as straight or gay.
We're really either plain or ornamental.

I'm done repressing my gayness
Because it's the "Christian" thing to do.
I will wear fucking rainbow nipple pasties
And march in a pride parade
If I please
And then go to church and praise Jesus
And God and the Holy Spirit
For making the way I am
And how I am
Because he made me perfect.
I am gay
I am Christian
I am proud to be both.

My frightened friend once said to me:
"I'm scared... I think I'm gay, no longer straight!"

To which I replied:
"I do not care, I like you for who you are, and to me you're still my mate"

Being gay is normal.
Being gay isn't disgusting.
I find these people wiser and stronger.
Because they are not afraid to show who they love

Bullying someone because he or she is gay is not cool.
Actually, they are making themselves fool.
what would matter if I am gay, or your best friend, even your neighbor?
That's right it wouldn't matter!

If someone think being gay is wrong,
they are just being childish.

Growing up gay wasn't easy.
Always knowing I was different to the rest.
I never felt right, never felt normal.
Because I'm not.
I'm different.
But sometimes difference is good, isn't it?
I've accepted myself.
But some haven't.

"That's so gay!"

A use of

Slang and slander





If they use

Gay as in







It would be a good expression.

But if they use it

As a reference to











You can't be more gay

Than someone else.

There's no scale



To measure


And it's a bad expression

So gay is


No.Gay is not bad.

People who say "That's so gay."

They are bad

All these haters call me gay as an insult

Because they want me to like dicks because that's what they are.

Gay guys will never bother me, they're just human beings.

Many of them are terrific ones at that.

Lie to yourself about this and you will forever lie about everything.Everybody already knows everything so you can lie to them. That's what they want.But lie to yourself, what you will lose is yourself. Then you turn into them. *For each gay kid whose adolescence was America in the forties or fifties the primary, the crucial scenario forever is coming out-or not. Or not. Or not. Or not. Or not. *Involuted velleities of self-erasure. *Quickly after my parents died, I came out. Foundational narrative designed to confer existence.If I had managed to come out to my mother, she would have blamed not me, but herself.The door through which you were shoved out into the light was self-loathing and terror. *Thank you, terror!You learned early that adults' genteel fantasies about human life were not, for you, life. You think sex is a knife driven into you to teach you that.

Gay is ok Where stories live. Discover now