Colours (Tadashi x reader)

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Black and white, that's how things are for you.

Your grandma has always told you how beautiful everything looks when you finally meet your soulmate though it's really hard to describe it. Orange, blue, green, red, yellow, brown... there was an endless list of them, colours, none of them seen by you, you only knew the names.

Colours... the most mysterious thing in the world, you've never seen them, people say it's like dreaming in the middle of the day. You have always tried to imagine them but living all your life watching black and white didn't helped much.

"When you meet your soulmate" your grandma used to say "You'll start seeing glimpses of colour in things"

"And how does that feels?" You would ask, eyes full of wonder and awe "Beautiful"


You sighed looking at of the plane window, your new home is just five minutes far, you'd never admit it but you were excited, you were going to study medicine at San Fransokyo.

Is San Fransokyo as big as people say? Is my new school big? Will I make friends? What if I don't fit in? You thought What if... I meet my soulmate? Your heart fluttered and you smiled a little.

"The plane is about to land, please fasten your seat belt"


"Look how beautiful you are!" Your aunt said hugging you tightly "Thanks" you answered and smiled warmly at her and both of you walked towards the car.


"It's been so long since I last saw you" your aunt said opening the door to her house, you stepped inside "Where's uncle George?" You asked "He's at work"

You walked around the living room looking at all the photos, your aunt couldn't have any children but lived happily with his husband George.

"Come here sweetie! I'll show you your room" You followed her upstairs to your room

"Call me if you need anything, I'll be preparing dinner" you nodded and closed the door starting to unpack


You woke up early in the morning, took a shower and went downstairs to get breakfast, after that you had time to walk around the city before classes started so you walked out of your aunt's house and walked around the city.

You were now walking towards school peacefully looking at the houses and buildings you were passing, you sighed and closed your eyes for a moment until...

You fell, hard on your butt "I'm so sorry miss!" A man said and you opened your eyes looking at the man that was extending his hand for you "Let me help you" you hesitantly grabbed his hand and he lifted you up from the ground "Than-" you looked at his face, his almond shaped eyes had a strange colour and you gasped dropping his hand "Are you okay miss?" He asked

You closed your mouth and answered "Y-Yes sorry" he smiled, the colour not leaving his eyes "I'm Tadashi Hamada" he extended his hand again "(Y/N)" you said and grabbed his hand shaking it, the colour of his eyes was more intense, you could tell the same happened to him because he gasped, looking at you surprised.

"Did you see it too?" You asked him and he nodded looking deeply into your eyes "Would you like to have some coffe with me later?" He asked "Sure" you said, "Meet me here after school okay?" He said

"Okay" you said and waved goodbye to him as you walked to your new school all flustered and happy.


The day was finally over, it was better than you expected, you made friends and fitted in really well with your other classmates, you walked out of the building towards the place you agreed with Tadashi.

When you arrived he was already there with his backpack hanging around his shoulder, the moment he saw you he smiled brightly and walked towards you "Hello again" you said looking at his coloured eyes

"Hey" he said "So... where are we going?" You asked "I know the perfect place"

At the cafe both of you talked about each other's life and got to met each other better, after a really fun afternoon he walked you home and said goodbye with a tender kiss on your cheek, while he was walking away, you could see now his hair from a different colour, but not to strong.

"Aunt Lilly?" You asked stepping inside looking for her "I'm in the kitchen!" She said and you ran towards her "How was school today?" She asked

"Really good but I think I met my soulmate this morning" you said and she turned to look at you "You what?" She said and walked towards you

"I think I met my soulmate" you said and she smiled widely "Come with me" she said and you followed her to her room, she handed you a book "This is the book of colours, every time you discover one look for it here, in this book you will find it's name and an image of the colour" she said and handed it to you.

That afternoon you quickly searched for the colour his eyes had, it was brown, you investigated more and more feeling more excited with every word in that book.


Months passed and your relashionship with Tadashi became stronger, so did the colours of course.

Now you could see the colour of the sky, the trees, of your eyes, your hair, some clothes you wore, Tadashi's eyes, his hair, his shoes and some clothes.

Tadashi and you were officially a couple, you have already met his friends and his family, Hiro and aunt Cass, you and Tadashi could perfectly see all the colours surrounding you.

"Is Hiro joining SFIT?" You asked, you were currently cuddling with Tadashi in his bed "Yep!" He said cheerfully "He is in his garage working on his proyect" he said and you smiled, he kissed your lips and got on top of you, you laughed and he kept kissing you "You guys are gross" Hiro said throwing a pillow at his brother's back, Tadashi and you laughed.


Hiro did awesome at his presentation, his proyect was loved by everyone and he got quickly accepted at SFIT.

When he got off the stage you ran towards him and hugged him, he is like a little brother for you after all.

"I'll go and talk with my brother for a while, go with the others I won't take long" Tadashi said "Sure" he kissed your lips and you ran towards the others waiting for Hiro and Tadashi.

You were laughing with the others in the parking lot when suddenly the smell of smoke filled your nose, with a worried expression you looked at the others, and ran towards the building that was on fire, you saw Tadashi going inside the flames "TADASHI NO!" You screamed but it was too late, the building exploded making you and Hiro fly backwards.

You woke up hours later in the street, all the colours you used to see dissapeared, everything was black and white again.

Tadashi was gone just like the colours you used to know.

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