1// Everything Will Change

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Images from the night before flash through my mind reminding me of the unbearable pain that shoots through out every part of my body. I remember it so vividly and after playing it through my head a million times I still can't process it even happened. Denial covers the loss and I'm once again swallowed by the overwhelming darkness.


My parents sit in the front of the car singing along to a song and laughing together, while I sit in the back of the car, my headphones playing Halsey's album Badlands. I stare out the car window getting lost in the stars that hung in the sky. We were on our way back home from our vacation in Mexico and I was already missing the warm atmosphere. I looked out into the distance watching as we drove past the hills of sand. I saw movement coming towards us and my eyes widened in terror. The creature looked like it was made of bones and just looking at it sent a wave of chills down my spine.

"Mom!" I yell trying to get her attention.

I try to warn my parents, but it was to late the creature rammed into the side of  the car and it flipped several times. I prayed me and my family would make it out alive. The car stopped flipping and it laid upside down in the middle of the road. I groan in pain and open my eyes to see glass and blood everywhere. I panic and try to turn my head to see my parents. I gasp in pain as I feel glass cut my neck as I turn to look.

"Mom?" I call out looking at her almost lifeless figure.

"Dad?" I turn to see him look the same as my mother.

I cry out as I see the only people I have hurt. I feel myself start to get light headed and I fall into oblivion.

I wake up in a building that is unfamiliar. I turn my head slowly, due to the headache that pounds against my skull. I watch as women starts to walk towards me, her blonde hair blowing back as she makes her way over. She finally makes it next to my side and brushed a piece of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"I may not have been there for her, but I promise I won't make the same mistake with you. I'm going to make you the strongest person anyone has seen and you will help me bring the Argent name back. They'll be here soon to find Derek, I know it, and when they come you'll go with them until I come to retrieve you, before  I let you go there's one thing I have to do." She says quietly to me making sure nothing not even her voice would harm me.

I quickly tense up when I saw a pair of green eyes in front of me. I fell a horrible pain shoot up from my arm and through out my whole body. I'm barley able to stay awake due to the pain.

"When you get to Beacon Hills I want you to find out who you really are and where you came from."  She says before the world goes black.


I awake on a dirt rode and the only thing around me was complete darkness. I realize that my wounds don't hurt any more, and life up my shirt to look. I lift up my shirt looking for the wounds, but see nothing there. I stare at my skin in bewilderment knowing that there were injuries once there. I soon hear the ground shaking and look in the distance to see a light. I lay on the ground waiting for it to come closer since my body was to weak to even coordinate correctly. I watch as a worn down blue jeep coming towards me, and with all the energy I had left I wave my hands in the air still staying in my laying position. The jeep comes to a quit halt and I see a boy about my age with tan skin and brown eyes climb out of the car. He runs towards me in confusion and happiness and says one name that would change the rest of my life.


Damaged //Scott McCall [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now