7// Nightmares And Confessions

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I run towards the boys locker room and fear what is behind the doors. I open the door and hear growling coming from Liam. I walk around the lockers and see Scott and Stiles holding Liam under the water as he struggled against the two.

"Liam!" I scream and I feel myself start to panic as he almost escaped their grasp.

"Liam you have to calm down." I say slowly.

I watch as Liam's growling stops  and he slides down the shower wall.

"Okay, you calm yet?" Stiles asks.

Liam shoves their arms off and sighs frustrated.

"Okay! Okay!" Liam yells.

I watch as Liam looks at the floor in regret and I suddenly feel bad for him knowing that he didn't chose this, but then again none of us did.

"That car you smashed. I thought you said that was your teacher's?" Scott questions.

"He was also my coach. He benched me for the entire season." Liam says.

I walk over to Liam and sit down in front of him resting my hand on his knee in a comforting way.

"What did you do?" Scott asks.

"I got a couple of red cards." Liam replies.

"Just a couple?" Stiles questions sarcastically.

I turn towards Stiles and glare. Does he know how to shut up or does he just blurt out what comes to mind?

"You gotta be honest with us. What else happened?" Scott asks.

"Nothing. I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation." Liam says uncomfortably.

"What did they call it?" Scott asks.

Liam closes his eyes and sighs and I can tell he doesn't want to say it.

"It okay Liam were not going to judge you." I say to Liam honestly.

"Intermittent explosive disorder." Liam blurts out quickly.

"I.E.D? You're literally and I.E.D? That's great. That's great. You gave powers to a walking time bomb." Stiles says sarcastically.

I stand up from my current position and walk over to Stiles staring at him before grabbing the back of his head and slamming it against a locker causing Stiles to groan and hold his head in pain.

"Ow! What was that for!" Stiles yells.

"For being a jerk." I yell back.

I walk back to Liam seeing Scott stare at me in shock.

"Continue." I say to Scott as I sit down next to Liam.

Scott clears his throat before continuing talking.

"Did they give you anything for it?" Scott asks.

"Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic." Liam explains.

"Oh, this just gets better." Stiles laughs.

Damaged //Scott McCall [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now