Girls are constantly being called "sluts", "whores", "bitches", etc. For what reason should we be called all any of those things. Sluts are women who sleep with many men and use all of them. More than 95% of women are not doing that and aren't "sluts". Yet we are still being called that for no apparent reason. If you wear shorts or a crop top you're "asking for it". If us, girls, post a picture of ourselves in a swimsuit or a bra, maybe because we feel confident in ourselves for once or want to show off maybe that cute bra we just bought and feel good enough to post it and not letting people judge us, we are automatically overwhelmed with the thought of people thinking and saying all of these unnecessary and horrendous things. Yet when boys post shirtless pics they are praised and are "studs". People can't say that that's fair. That is an example of what a double standard is. The true definition of double standard is "the concept that allows and excuses specific behaviors and actions from one group but opposes the same actions from another." How is it even fair that men are being treated better than women still in this day and age. Men are being paid better than women still. While men are earning a dollar for their work, women are earning 75 cents. Don't say this isn't sexist? This is being discriminative, prejudice, and stereotypical against the female sex. It's time for the United States to have wage equality and have equal rights for women. In a country that has marriage equality, shouldn't gender equality be next?
"Let us be no longer be imprisoned and defined by gender or stereotypes. Let's us be defined by our individual actions, kindness, and decency to others. At the end of the day, regardless who you are, each and every individual deserves the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. Equality of the sexes is not merely an idea, but a birth given right"- Rowan Blanchard
// my lil book of thoughts //
Diversosthis is basically all going to be me expressing my feelings, sharing my thoughts, and voicing my opinions (mostly rants and maybe lil journal entries) - disclaimer: these are all my personal thoughts and it's okay if you don't agree with them just p...