x; lukewarm coffee and awkwardness

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x; lukewarm coffee and awkwardness

Maybe there was a universe where having coffee with your hot neighbour wasn't weird, but it wasn't the one Dan Howell occupied. Sitting in front of Phil and drinking lukewarm coffee was probably the most awkward situation he'd ever be cursed to live through. When he'd accepted the offer, he hadn't expected this.

Also, he'd expected some weird, Tumblr café, and instead, he'd gotten Starbucks. Which, in fact, was mildly Tumblr, but way overused.

He kept his dark brown eyes focused on Phil's face, the way the other boy moved, stretched out his arms behind his head and looked away. He always seemed so graceful, like a doe, and Dan swore he would have screamed if Phil could hear his thoughts. Relating your hot neighbour to a female animal was probably far from normal.

"So, Dan," Came Phil's smooth voice, breaking him from the peace of his thoughts, "What do you do? For a living?"

"Dick!" Dan said suddenly, and Phil sat back, both amused and offended, before he noticed that Dan was waving someone over. "Dick, Dick Karter, right?" He leaned on the table, and from where the Police Officer had come to stand near them, he nodded and smiled slightly.

"That's me," He agreed brightly, and behind him, two girls had followed. "That's my partner--Analise, and you've met my sister Hayley." He motioned to the two, and Hayley looked less tense than last time, looking at Dan with a small smile and waving. Analise had nudged her though, and she ceased the movement.

"Yeah, sorry," Dan let his hands rest on the table, "Didn't mean to interrupt your whole coffee thing then." 

Dick smiled in reply and shrugged. "You didn't, we're just out." He replied, and turned to the group. "But I'll let you get back, nice seein' you." When he turned away and ushered the rest of his crew away, Dan noticed that his sister, Hayley, kept eyeing both Dan and Phil warily. But as a normal person would, she turned away after a while. 

"That was... Odd." Phil finally said, and looked up to Dan. 

"Odd's cool," Dan mused under his breath, "So, I'm a blogger, and a YouTuber." 


The Devil stepped out onto the pavement, and once he did, a figure was in front of him. She wore black and purple, cape swinging out behind her, and he cursed. "Nightkiller, aren't you?" 

I hate you, Benji, the Devil thought, and moved his hand to the gun under his jacket, but she was quicker. She had a staff swung out towards him, eyes narrowed under whatever mask she was wearing, and she looked almost intimidating. 

But she wasn't, not to him.

"Devil, aren't you?" She replied smoothly, and he scoffed. 

"You think you're so good, but you're the same as everyone else in this city." the Devil took his guns from their holsters, and aimed them towards the hero in front of him. "I'm controlling crime, and you're trying to stop me."

Nightkiller huffed. "You need to stop getting your plans from comic books, Red Hood." She replied, and the Devil raised an eyebrow.

"Says Batgirl." 



HAPPY EASTERRR!!! *hops like a bunny* 

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