Small talk

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  • Dedicated to Gabrielle Burks

'Gabrielle, Gabrielle Burks'. I smile at the cute black haired boy before me, I saw him all the time at school.. but why me? Why now?  He never talked to anyone though every girl wanted him and the guys wanted to be him, so why me? why not someone prettier? or thinner?  'My names Andy Beirsack im pleased to meet you Gabrielle, What's you're next class? ill walk you there'. I was going to protest then he flashed that smile the one that makes everyone love him, I couldn't help but feel safe around him so I nodded. 'I have math right now room 43, You don't have to walk me ill be fine'. I smile at him sure he'd walk away like most at this damn school. 'It's no problem Malady i'd be happy to walk such a fine young thing to class'. I couldn't help but smile he was truly one of the only nice people I have meet since I moved to L.A from new jersey, Even in mid may Andy walks around in all black from his black hair and eye liner to those big combat boots he always has on, Just the sight makes me wanna hide in a pool of ice.' Andy'? 'Yes, what's wrong'? 'Nothing I was just wondering how can you possible wear so much black on a day like this'? I asked off set. 'Easy, I find it cold out also just because it's hot doesn't mean im going to stop being who I am'. Andy chuckled and it was a sound I swear even the birds stopped to listen.' Would you like you join my friends and I for coffee after school'? Andy cut through my thoughts. 'Yea I would love that' I giggled. 'ill pick up at 3 until then'. he smiled only then had I relized we had reached my classroom. The day went by in a blur that is until cem, that's when it started going down hill,  Before class I had a few extra minutes before class, I went to get a coffee and some stupid kid knocked me an I poured coffee all over my favourite sleeping with sirens shirt. Cem was no better I had my "exsperament" eploed on me. But thankfully all I have to do is get home and im fine. *Ding dong* "Who the hell?" I ask myself as I go to the door. " Hiya gabby ready to go?" Crap! I had forgotten my coffee hang out with andy! " Umm.. no could I have a min to- to change?" I mutter more to myself then andy but the grunt he givens me is more then enough as I run up stairs. " Per-fect" andy says as I get in his car."Everyone wants returnal life but no one can seem to get it right" Andy says to me witch leaves me baffled to be honest, What could that mean?

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