Bitter sweet goodbyes and happy reuinons

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"Mom I love you, Please don't cry it will only be a few years at most" I couldn't bare to see her cry and the fact im the reason kills me, After dad past away when I was seven she was my only parent despite her drinking problem. " I know honey ill just miss you so much! I cant believe my baby is growing up" She started to cry hard I couldn't help but want to cry to. " I'm  sorry mom I never meant to hurt you or to make you cry, I will be back I promise" I started to cry I couldn't help it the tears just came down I hugged her for dear life, I missed her and hugging her so much knowing this is the last time makes everything even harder. "Baby promise me you'll call every chance you get" My mom pleads with me and I am more then happy to agree but I know I never will. " Yes mama I promise okay? Ill even come on Christmas okay?" I love to her the smile she gives me and I know ill miss her smile and hugs the most. "Thank you sweetie" *Ring ring* Looking at my phone I see it's andy queing I have to go, I've been there to long. " I love you so much mom I have to go now tho that was work calling I have to go in" I hated lying to her but I had to, " Okay honey be safe I love you" She said whipping her eyes. The walk back was boring I don't know why I said no to mom's offer to drive me, I can't believe I left my ipod at home " GABBY! GABBY OH MY GAD GABBY IS THAT YOU!?" I heared my name screamed from behind me as I turned around I was hug tackled by a thin girl with brown hair, "Yes it's me mel bear.. Now GET OFF ME!" I laughed as I pushed my best friend off me, I haven't seen her in years but she promised me she'd find me again and we'll she did. " What are you doing here" I asked still over joyed to care. " I promised i'd find you again gabs and well im here" She said laughing seeing her made me forget what was going on in my life. "I'm so glad you're here I've missed you so much come to my place" I said and started walking knowing she'd keep up with me. " So how's school mel bear?" "Very boring as always without you to hang with ill tell ya two years is far to long for me" I laughed but we both knew it was the truth melody had been like a sister to me, leaving her to move to L.A was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do." Whats new? did you meet any boys?" Mel asked being well mel, " Yea i'm kinda in a thing right now his names Andy" I smiled at my self even the thought of him made me smile,  "Though I don't like his friend jake he's kinda a jerk at times really cocky.. or maybe just to me" I confussed knowing melody would understand.  " Boys can be jerks and cocky that's what boys do" Mel reassured me, I loved her for that always helping, "Thanks mel you're right just gotta wait it out I guess" I couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. "Wecome gabs Hey look a timmies!" mel said grabbing my arm god she loved her coffee. " I can't wait till you meet Andy and his friends" I said taking a sip of my hot chocolate, "Then come on and hurry up!" Melody complained to me yet again never could wait for anything. " Were here! come on" I say as I pulled her back wards as she kept walking.

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