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CALUM WAS SLEEPING SOUNDLY IN HIS TENT, BUT MICHAEL HAD SNEAKED OUT OF HIS OWN JUST TO WAKE HIM UP. Michael knew it was stupid to be outside the boy's window, sitting on the fire-escape at 11:39PM on a Friday night, but he couldn't help it.

He'd walked the whole way there, finding it nice that it only took him fifteen minutes. He had a back-pack on his back, and looked like he was ready to run away, when really all that was in there was a blanket and a box of Shapes.

He knocked on the already open window, and, when Calum only turned around, Michael found himself crawling in. He dropped his bag onto the boy's carpeted floor, and sat down on Calum's bed, shaking his shoulder.

"Cal," he whispered. "Calum, come on, get up."

"W-Where are we going?"

Calum sounded so cute and cuddly, and Michael wanted to hug him, but he pushed the thoughts away, answering, "For a walk."

He stood up and pulled the Maori out of bed, seeing he was only in boxer-briefs. Tight ones. The boy tried his best not to look. Calum rubbed his eyes. "Michael?" he squinted, but the redhead never replied, only threw some clothes at him for the cold winter night.

"Get dressed. We're going out."

Calum didn't even ask. He put his clothes on, and Michael pulled him out on the fire-escape by his hands. The sleepy Maori held onto the pale hands a little longer than intended, but didn't realise. Only when they were on the ground, and Michael was letting go, did he know.


"I don't mind."

I don't mind. That short sentence left so many questions in Calum's brain.

He didn't say a single one of them.

Instead, he followed Michael, his heavy eyelids barely able to lift as he held onto the guy's jumper sleeve. He didn't want to lose him. He'd have a shitty time getting back home.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know."

They slowed down, and Calum saw that they were at a park. The grass was wet, but neither seemed to care as they sunk down onto the grass. Michael got out the rug from his backpack, wrapping it around them both.

"Why'd you bring me if all we're gonna do is sit?"

"You're the only person I like around here. I don't care if all we're gonna do is sit."

Calum shivered, goose-bumps forming on his skin. He could smell a slight taste of alcohol under Michael's breath, but he didn't say anything. He didn't want to bring it up. So, he just laid down and looked up at the sky.

"Why are you drunk, Michael?" he finally said after a couple of minutes of them not talking.

"I only had one beer, I don't know what you're talking about." He sighed. "Thought you didn't care about me anyway?" he raised an eyebrow.

Calum didn't say anything. He just laid down on the grass and closed his eyes. He decided to change the subject. "My sister likes you a lot. She keeps saying that I should have you over."

Michael laid down next to him. "Maybe I should."

There was a silence. They laid there, listening to each other's breathing. Calum turned to the boy beside him. "What did you really drag me out here for, Michael?"

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