Angel With The Scabbed Wings

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Chapter 4 – Angel With The Scabbed Wings

“Happy birthday, baby!” Brian grinned at her along with his mother, father, and Chad. He’d made sure today was a surprise. Only her mother wasn’t present…she’d had to work…again. He watched as Jessie stared in shock at the scene before her: cake, presents, friends…

“Oh my God!” he watched tears come to Jessie’s eyes, her hand fluttering over her heart. “Brian…”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her hair sweetly. “Don’t be mad…your mum told us you hadn’t had a party ever…and that you haven’t celebrated your birthday since your little brother died…I figured it was time to change that.”

“Oh, I’m so not mad…” Jessie muttered as his parents hugged her too. “Thank-you so very much for this…you’ve no idea what it means to me!”

“Sure we do, sweetheart.” Brian’s mother smiled and pulled Jessie towards the table. “Now, come on, candles! A wish needs to be made!”

“Oh, I think I’ve got the perfect one.” A sinfully sweet smile crossed Jessie’s face as she looked towards Brian and, before she blew out the candles, she mouthed ‘I love you’ to him.


Jessie was staying at Brian’s for her birthday. She’d gotten the okay from her mother the week before…but she certainly hadn’t been expecting the surprise that Brian had had waiting for her when they got to his house. Jessie smiled to herself as she lay, completely contented, on Brian’s bed, waiting for him to come down.

She heard the door to his basement bedroom close quietly and listened, smiling, to his footsteps as he came down the stairs.

“Mum and dad are asleep.” Brian smiled sheepishly.

“Good.” Jessie gave him a wicked smile, jumping up and going to her bag. “I’ve got something for you!”

“Something for me?” Brian asked and she heard the implication in his voice.

“Yes.” She replied as she turned around holding the wrapped gift she had for him. Jessie sat on the edge of the bed beside him. “This is to say thank-you…and it’s a very belated birthday present… I hadn’t moved here when you had yours.”

Jessie watched nervously as he took the gift from her and, carefully, unwrapped it. She’d given him a painting she’d done of an angel, its arms open in greeting, feathers falling from its wings to reveal darkness beneath.

“It’s amazing!” she watched him stare at it, eyes wide. “What does it mean?”

Jessie chuckled lightly. “It’s the transformation from ordinary into extraordinary…it’s us…scarred by rock and roll…but all the better for it.” She rested her head against his shoulder.

“What do you call it?” Brian asked curiously, and she watched him get up and hang it on the far wall.

As he came back to sit beside her again, she replied. “The angel with the scabbed wings…it’s my gift to you…” she paused, wicked smile back in place. “Well, first gift.”

“First gift?” Brian smirked back at her as she moved to straddle his lap.

“Yes…” She muttered softly against his lips. “First.” She kissed him gently, nibbling his lower lip.

Much to her delight, Brian kissed her back, only harder, rougher. His long pale hands clutched either side of her face, and what started as a kiss began to evolve into something much deeper. Their tongues began exploring each other’s' mouths, his tongue smooth and beautiful, a reflection of the soft danger that lurked behind his enthralling voice. Oh so silky, but could do oh so many wonderful, dirty things.

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