Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World

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Chapter 7 – Dried Up, Tied And Dead To The World

Brian watched on blankly as Jessie was laid to rest the following Saturday, a single long-stemmed rose in his hand. He and Jessie’s mother threw dirt onto her coffin as it was lowered into the ground and, as they began to cover her; he finally let the tears fall. He waited there as long as her mother.

When everyone else had gone on to the wake, he knelt by her grave as he placed the rose against the headstone. He shook as tears of rage and grief dropped onto the fresh grave. As Brian rose to his feet, he knew the old Brian Warner had died. The man that now stood in his place by Jessie Talon’s grave…would be an icon for decades to come.


Brian lay alone in his bed on he, and his parents’, last night in Canton, hating the world. He hated his parents for making him move to Fort Lauderdale. He hated everyone he went to school with for hurting Jessie, and he hated God – if he really existed – for taking her away from him after giving him hope she would live.

He’d made it through the darkest places – from haunted houses to high school gyms – and the darkest times – losing Jessie.

‘Jessie…’ his mind wandered back over their time together, and the pain returned.

He’d had bad drugs, worse sex, and no self-esteem to top off losing his girlfriend. That was all behind him now. Now, he had to start all over again. Brian wasn’t excited for the move. He just glared at the ceiling, bitter and angry at the world…


Several years later…

The Last Tour on Earth performance was coming to a close. The final notes of Lunchbox played and Marilyn Manson retreated from the stage. He had become extraordinary. The crowd screamed for one more and he smiled. He had one last song for them. He emerged back on stage wearing his long, black coat over his red, leather pants, hat tipped strategically to one side to hide his sad eyes.

He raised the microphone to his lips, and yelled. “You wanted one more!” the crowd screamed and he continued, “So here’s one last final song for you guys!” he looked back at the band and nodded solemnly to them. The band struck up ‘Coma White’. “I dedicate this song…to a beloved friend of mine…who sadly passed away when we were both eighteen…this song is for her.” The crowd cheered him on again and, picturing Jessie standing below him, staring up at him proudly, he began to sing. “There’s something cold and blank…behind her smile. She’s standing on an overpass…in a miracle mile…” A tear slid silently down his cheek as he sang. “Coz you were from a perfect world. A world that threw me away today…today… to run away…”

He was Marilyn Manson… and he would sing for Jessie Talon until the day he died.



{The End... Never fear! The sequel to 'Coma White' will be published shortly. It's called 'You Never Said Forever Could Ever Hurt Like This'. I hope you enjoyed Coma White and will enjoy the sequel just as much if you read it. Love to you all!}

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