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Chapter 5 – Tourniquet

{Hey there my fellow rockers! Just thought I'd put up a tip. I found it good to listen to Tourniquet whilst writing and editing this chapter...the chapter titles were actually what i was listening to when writing each chapter. It can be read with or without the song playing in the background. Anyway, enjoy!}


Jessie smiled to herself as she walked home that night, her arms laden with groceries. She’d walked to the shops and back for her mother. It had been two months since she and Brian had consummated their relationship. She still blushed at the memory of her first time, closing her eyes as she remembered how he’d promised to take her with him when he left Canton…and she knew she’d follow him anywhere.

Her dreamy thoughts were interrupted by the sound of jeering laughter and the roar of an engine. She looked ahead calmly, eyeing the group of Jocks and Populars as they encroached on her current position. She was only five blocks from home, but they were in her way…and they were drunk. She stopped, frozen momentarily as the car a few of the Jocks were in lurched forward and stopped suddenly. A dare for her to keep walking forward. She’d never done anything to them…

‘Oh, right,’ she thought to herself. ‘The dickhead who threw the apple…’ why they had so much hatred for her all of a sudden she could only guess at…but she figured it was spurred on by far too much alcohol.

“Well, look who it is.” One of them jeered.

“Hey, everyone! It’s Warner’s girlfriend!” another joined in as she moved to the other side of the road, intending to pass by them. “Hey, Goth Girl! Where do you think you’re going?!”

Jessie turned to see who’d asked. Yep, as she’d suspected. Top Jock Brendan Pierce. “Home.” She replied coldly and turned to leave again.

“Na-uh! We’ve got a bone to pick with you!” Brendan continued.

Jessie smirked as she yelled over her shoulder. “A bone to pick with me? Or do you mean you’ve got a boner for me?!”

“Bitch, listen here!” one of Brendan’s cronies joined in.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Jessie glared. “Take your hatred of the world out on me. Make your victim my head!”

“We don’t like your kind around here!” a random cheerleader shouted at her, followed by several sneers.

“What?” Jessie turned and shrugged. “People with a sense of humour?”

“Enough!” Brendan yelled and several guys made towards her. “Get her!”

Jessie was suddenly very glad she’d chosen her black converse instead of boots today. She took off down the road as they chased her, groceries dropped and forgotten as the car roaring to life again. She heard several people scream get out of the way at several people…but none called her name. the lights behind her grew brighter as the car caught up with her. With a horrified gasp, Jessie knew she wouldn’t be able to outrun this.

She looked over her shoulder just as the car slammed into her, the sound of snapping bone ringing in her ears. She flew through the air and crumpled onto the pavement. Screams and shouts filled the air as they all fled, terrified, leaving Jessie to bleed out on the side of the road.

Jessie tilted her head, she could see the porch lights of her house. The momentary numbness wore off…and she screamed. Tears coursing down her face, she saw people running out of their houses towards her. She screamed for help. She screamed for her mother…she screamed for Brian.

She could see her own blood spilling and pooling around her. She could see the misshapen angle of her right arm and her left leg…and she could feel her crushed ribs. Breathing burned her insides. She was vaguely aware of someone holding her hand but their words, like her vision, were stifled.

She could feel herself slipping away. “Brian…”

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