My Powers Awaken

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I've been here for 3 days now and I gotta say, it's not bad here and Damon's, well, our friends have been in and out. I haven't left the room much, only to eat. I did leave yesterday for a little more exploring, but I'm not sure how much longer I can walk the halls being stared at. Is there something wrong with me? Maybe every new student gets stares. I mean, I'm sure they do. I think I'll go out today, there's no reason for me to sit in here. I leave the room wearing a black hoodie and some blue jeans with a nice pair of converse on. When I get out into the hallway, I only see a few people, but they all seem too occupied by their conversations with their friends to notice me. Maybe I'll get by without being seen.

"That Joel kid is kinda hot" I hear.

What was that? Did someone say something? Wait?! If I put 2 and 2 together, then maybe that girl over there is staring at me, and I can hear her thoughts! Is this what my power can do? I have to confirm this.

"Hey, uh you over there, with the black hair" I say.

"Who? Me?" She asks.

"Yeah, uh did you, by any chance, think that I was attractive? Like in your head" I ask, awkwardly.

"What? No. Ok yeah." She says. "But how did you know?" She asks.

"Telepathy, I think. They told me that was my power." I tell her. "What's your power" I ask.

"Healing, and my name is Kylee" she says.

"Oh, well, it was nice to meet you" I tell her.

"You too" She says, nervously.

I find myself staring at her eyes, they are just so pretty, but I have to go, I have to find Damon. Walking down the hall, I hear her thoughts again.

"He's a sweet guy, uh oh, I think I like him. That's fine though. But does he like me"

I turn around and catch her staring. She quickly turns, not wanting me to know. Why could I hear her thoughts and not others? It's probably because she was thinking about me. Whatever, this power thing is confusing and I'll just let the teachers answer my questions when I start going to classes. I think I'll stop in the cafeteria for something to eat. The huge lunch room is kind of empty now, but why?

"Can I help you dear?" A lunch lady asks.

"Yeah, buttered toast and a cup of orange juice?" I ask her.

"Of course!" She says.

She calls back to Marla who quickly rushes through the door with my food.

"Thanks" I say.

I walk over to the table that I sat at the other day with Damon and his friends. Only Kameron, Kaitlyn, and Clara are at the table now.

"Hey guys, I was supposed to meet Damon here." I say. "Have you seen him?" I ask.

"He should be here soon." Kaitlyn says. "Until then, why not just sit and eat with us?" She asks me.

"That sounds nice, thanks Kaitlyn" I say back.

"Just call me Kate for short" She says.

"Alright. How old are all of you?" I ask. "I'm 16 and it seems like there are people of many different ages here" I tell them.

"Yeah, I'm 16, Clara here is 14, and Kameron is 17" Kaitlyn tells me.

"And the others?" I ask.

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