Friendly Fight

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Today was the day, the day I would have to fight Damon. If he loses, he won't get into the class. I can't let him win though, the teacher would know if I did. Maybe I'm underestimating Damon. Why am I thinking so highly of myself? I've seen Damon in action and now that I think of it, he won't have much trouble beating me. The fight isn't until later and we don't have any classes until then, so I'll have to find something to keep myself occupied. I'll go see how Kaitlyn and Jackson are doing. As I walk into the room, I notice the beds are all empty. The nurse is at the desk, so I ask her where they are. I hope she knows and this isn't some disappearance again, because I'm still tired from yesterday.

"Excuse me" I say.

"How can I help you dear?" The nurse asks.

"Can I ask where my friends are? Their names are Kaitlyn and Jackson" I ask her.

"Ah yes. The girl left about an hour ago with a boy named Damon. They had said something about training in the arena" the nurse tells me.

"And Jackson?" I ask.

"He said he was hungry an feeling better, so I checked him out" she tells me.

"Oh, Well, thank you" I say.

I rush out of the room, waving goodbye just before closing the door behind me. Hmm, what to do. Is this the first time I've been bored here. I did have a couple questions for Mr.!Hall and maybe he has time to answer some now. Walking through the halls is much more comforting and peaceful when you aren't being stared at, though I still get some weird looks, which I'll never understand. I finally get to Mr. Hall's door and knock on it.

"Come in"  A voice from behind the door calls.

I walk in and sit down in front of the large desk.

"So I had some questions, and I'm not really sure where you go to ask questions, so my first question is where do I go to ask questions?" I ask.

"Here is fine, but because I'm usually very busy, we have the counselors to answer students questions. Anything else?" He says.

"Yeah. Well when we went in the woods we were attacked" I say.

"And?" He asks.

"The man who attacked us said his name was Kal Sutton. He also said that he had killed Marianna. Do you guys have any idea who he is? And are you going to let him get away with killing a student?" I ask.

"What the hell?! Sorry, please excuse my language, but I just can't believe he's here, or that he's even still alive. Marianna is not dead though. She was found unconscious in the woods this morning. Thank you for this information, but now that I've heard it, I'm very busy. Please go to your counselor for further questions" he says, quickly sifting through piles of paper.

With that, I get up and leave the office. I actually don't really have many more questions, so I'll just go meet up with some friends, wherever they may be, and hangout until it's time for the fight. While looking for my friends I run into Kylee, luckily not literally.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey. What're you looking for? Or who? She asks, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Anyone, but I'm glad I found you" I say.

We begin down the hall when suddenly the speakers come on.

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