Chap.1 Ughh just another day

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Rosalie's P.o.v
BEEP! BEEP!! BEEEPP!!!! Ranged my alarm clock. I turned over to quiet the damn beast. As I turned off my alarm clock I got up and stretched. Ughh I don't want to go to school but I have to. I got up and headed to the bathroom to start my day. After I got dressed I headed down stairs for breakfast. "Morning mum, Morning dad, Morning Dustin" I greet my family. "why someone's in a happy mood, whats up with it?" asked mum. Just as I was about to answer my father chimed in "this better not be about a boy?" I opened my mouth but then I heard laughing from my brother "as if the only thing Rosie dates is her room!." said Dustin. "actually no it's not about a BOY . I'm just happy because tonight is the night that me and the girls are going to a party" they all look at me with this look and then returned back to what they were doing.
Outside I hear the bus honk, I ran and grabbed my bag that was beside the couch and went to the door "bye guys love you" I yelled. Once I got up the stairs of the bus I looked around for my normal seat and bingo! it is open as always. Finally I arrived to school and yet not watching were I was going I ran into Miss. imma bitch priss. "Ughh watch were your... YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU SPILLED MY COFFEE ALL OVER ME !!!!!!! NOW MY OUTFIT IS RUION!!!!" freaked Tiffany Silverstein. "are you sure I ruined it because I think I actually made it look better" Rosie scores one. I left Tiffany to throw her little bitch fit and went ahead inside the school. Ah nothing smells more refreshing then Johnson creek high school hallways were you smell the school torture. can't you tell how much I love school. I made my way to my class not even bothering to stop by my locker. My friend Angela cross was already sitting in her desk right beside mine. "hey Rose are you ready for the chemistry quiz today?" Ughh I totally forgot about it "absolutely" not.
I went through half the day with unexpected quizzes popping up and finally my favorite time of the day, lunch. I walk in the cafeteria and find Angela, Riley,and Emrald sitting at our usual lunch table. "hey you guys" I say as I walk up. all three said at different times "hey Rosie" "hey rose" "hey R". We were exiting the school when Riley spoke up and said " are y'all ready for the party tonight?" Angela was the first to speak up "sadly I was but now I have to babysit my brother" "man I'm sorry angel. what about you two?" asked Riley. "I have a dance competition to get ready for I'm sorry."said Emrald. Riley frowned an looked at me "Rose?"ask Riley "yeah I'm going" Riley smiled "thank god I'm not going alone". after that we all went our separate ways. What a great way to end just another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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