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Chloe's POV:

"Wait," I called out coming out of my stupor but he was already gone. My knees weak, I sat on my bed and kept my hand on my chest telling my rapidly beating heart to calm down. Later, after more than an hour in that position and still as confused as before I went to the kitchen to help with the morning preparations.

I can worry about this later, I thought with a smile. By the time I got to the kitchen it was already noisy. More than fifteen matronly she wolves were bustling around fastidiously preparing the morning meal.

"Good. You're here." said Martha the head cook as she dumped a basket full of oranges in my hands. "Be a dear and squeeze 'em for me. We are already late. And I've got the pancake batter ready so after that make the pancakes."

After nodding my agreement, I moved to the island and began the mundane task of squeezing oranges. I could feel Raven's displeasure at this menial chore but I chose to ignore it. Outside, I could see others my age practicing their fighting skills. Cassandra owned the show as she threw Chase on the ground executing some complex leg moves I had no clue about.

Show off. Raven scowled.

That was pretty good. I retorted. He's a beta.

And we are the Luna Queen. We can kick her ass anytime. She crowed.

I chose not to comment. The last thing I needed was my blood thirsty wolf's anger at her host's passive nature. Then again I had no use for fights. I had already lost my parents to this vicious world. And also my mate, I realized. Oh God! What was my life going to become as Lucas Valentine's mate? Can I really live with his primal nature?

I was brought out of my reverie when someone called my name. Turning around I found a wolf I did not recognize make his way towards me. His all black attire and the barely visible tattoo on his neck showed that he was a part of the Royal Guard and one high up in the radar. I threw him a perplexed look wondering what a Royal Guard needed with me.

"Miss. Chloe Campbell," the wolf bowed in a show of respect further confusing me . I wondered if he knew I was mated to his King. There would be no other reason for the man to bow down to me. So Lucas had kept his word. A part of me was thrilled at the fact. The man's next words however had me completely bowled over.

"It's a pleasure to meet the daughter of Michelle Rossi. I am Ricardo Tomassi," he introduced himself to me. The only thing that went through my confused brain was Rossi. My mother's surname. My father's name.

"Rossi." I whispered to myself as though tasting the name. Chloe Rossi. I finally had a name, an identity albeit fragile. The strange guardian once again broke me from my trance.

"Are you alright?" he asked me touching my shoulder. The Guardian stooped down to have eye contact with me. Unnerved by his intense gaze, I turned away as I mumbled an incoherent 'yes'. Only then did I notice that the kitchen had gone eerily silent and everyone was watching the scene interested in the scene that was unfolding. Especially because my mother's name was taboo in the pack.

Taking notice of the curious audience surrounding us, he straightened to his full height and said in a formal voice, "The Queen has invited you to have breakfast with her in the West Wing."

Someone in the audience gasped before everyone broke into shocked whispers. After all, it was not every day that the Queen asked a half human werewolf to dine with her. Squaring my shoulders, I tried to ignore the judgment in the eyes of the nosy busybodies around me as I followed the Guardian to meet the queen. Would Lucas be there? The Guardian slowed his pace once we reached the grounds and his lips twitched as he fought a smile as I panted. Fitness was never going to be my strong point and I guess even my new found wolf could not save me, I thought ruefully. I gave him an apologetic smile.

As we walked at a more leisurely pace, I blurted out," Do you know my father?'' He stilled and then continued walking, almost as though he didn't hear me. "Do you?" I asked him once more. this time he turned and looking at me with an unidentifiable emotion, he said, "Sometimes it is good to leave the past buried." He shifted uncomfortably.

"But you called my mother Rossi," I said. "That means..."

"I made a mistake." he interrupted me and then more gently he said, "Your mother was a good woman. She sacrificed her life for you. Don't make it useless by digging into things that are better left alone." And almost as an afterthought he added, "Rossi isn't your father." But he was the key. Before I could question him further, we had arrived at my destination. The West Wing was the grandest building in the compound. It housed the Alpha's royal visitors. A waste of space because the Royals rarely visited individual packs.

This was my first time here and I followed him quietly as I took in the gaudy decor. We stopped in front of an ornately carved door, something that resembled the Middle Ages and I silently chuckled at the absurdity of it. He knocked on the door before pushing it open and walking inside. The Royal family was seated at the table along with all the other Alpha families that were a part of the Solstice. I felt every one's eyes on me as I made a clumsy bow in respect to all the Alphas and Lunas in the hall. My gaze shifted to Lucas who was sitting at his father's right. His muscles near his jaw twitched before he abruptly stood and stalked towards me, his eyes dark and turbulent. His lip touched my cheeks in a feather light kiss, a stark contrast to the tight grasp he had on my waist and then whispered in my ear, "Don't ever bow down to anyone but me."

Turning, he announced to the table at large, "Everyone, meet my mate and your future Luna Queen Chloe Campbell."


Author's Note:

Thank you so much for your support guys... I'm stunned. Almost 10k readers.. I don't know how to thank y'all for this amazing faith you have in me and this story. I'll keep it short.. Please vote, comment, fan..

Love you all,


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