Chapter 2 - New Assignment

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I storm through the halls of school and feel every set of eyes pierce into the back of my skull as they stare blankly as I express my frustration of hatred for this school.

***Earlier This Morning***

I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing effortlessly in my ear. Knowing that it was only Tuesday today made me want to point a gun to my head and pull the trigger. I get out of bed and dress myself into my newly pressed uniform mum had layed out for me this morning and continue with my usual daily routine of doing my hair and makeup. I hum to the song "Same Love - Macklemore" and tap my thumb on my upper thigh whilst walking down the hallway.

"Good morning Tay" mum greets me sweetly with a chirp in her voice.

"Whats so good about a tuesday morning?" I snarl sourly. Let me tell you this, I am defintely not a morning person. I slump into the couch and flick on the tv.

"breakfast? Oh and dont scrunch up your skirt, I just ironed it" she throws down some toast assuming I want something to eat.

"Not hungry, dont care" I channel surf the tv and let out a big yawn.

"Dont talk to me like that please, I dont appreciate it" she snaps back at me, biting her tounge before letting other words slip her mouth.

"Ugh, why do I even go to school?" I roll my eyes letting a sly comment escape my lips.

"Why do I even bother paying for your education if you're gonna make pityful comments like that? You know theres-" I leave the house slamming the door behind me before she starts the 'there are kids in Africa' lecture. I get into my car in a worse mood then I inteded going to school with.


I press my skirt down with my palms and make my way to my locker to meet up with hattie. The constant stares of the other 'jealous' students are endless, I dont blame them though for wanting to be like me.

"Hey Tay" Hattie greets me with a sweet hello and a perky smile.

"Hi Hun" I use bare minimal words and collect my Science books for my first class from my overly disgusting locker. The bell rings. I walk to my allocated class with Hattie alongside me. Hattie talks and talks, I just nod and say 'uh huh' every once and a while making it look like as though I'm interested.

"So what d'ya say?" I catch the very end of her sentence.

"Oh, uh, yeah?" I agree with the least bit of and idea of what I just actually agreed to.

We walk into class on time, surprisingly for the first time, and like usual, make our way to the back of the class. I glare at every body that enters through the door making them feel awkwardly uncomfortable.

"Quieten down class, take a seat" the teachers yells over the loud chatter, filling the room with silence.

"Thank you. Now before we begin this lesson, I've got an assignment for you all to complete over the next few weeks. You will be paired up by 'me' and you will be working on this in your 'own' time. Capiché?" He emphasises the words 'me' and 'own' trying to get the message through as clear as possible. "I can not stress this enough. Now when you hear your name be called, go and sit with your assigned parter. Understand?" We all nod. I stare mildly at all the bodies shuffling around the class and girls squealing because they got paired up with their best friend.

"Hattie Aiken, Jai Brooks"

"...and last but not least, Tayla Frank, you're with Jayda Lowe"

Perfect. The badass of the school is paired up with the teachers pet. At least one good thing will come out of it, Tayla Frank ain't doing no damn assignment.

I sluggishly drag myself out of my seat and embarrassingly take another at the front of the class. I walk in between the desks and hear all the quiet giggles and whispers coming from my peers whilst doing so. This sucks.

The lesson painfully progresses on slowly. I bury my head in my palms and huff and groan.

"Something on your mind, Miss Frank?" The teacher purposely shows me up in front of the class.

"No, Sir" I rest my head on my left arm and stare at the blurred board in front of me. I force out a fake smile giving the teacher an indication to proceed.


The end of the school day comes to a close as waves of students file out the doors.

"Hey uh, wanna come over?" I tug on Hattie's arm pulling her out of the crowd of people and start walking to my car.

"Yeah sure" she agrees politely and we both park our bums in the front seats of my car. I start up the engine, and like always, the radio starts screaming out lyrics to a song

Return of the Mack, Get up!

What it is, what it does, what it is, what it isn't.

Looking for a better way to get up out of bed instead of getting on the Internet and checking a new hit, Get Up!

We blurt out the words in sync, smacking each other a high five once getting the whole rap right.

"See, life's better when you're happy aye?!" Hattie gives me wink. She never fails to make me smile.

"Yeah, I guess" I give her a cheeky smirk and we start driving out of the car park and out of the school grounds. We gossip and bitch about every other girl in the school. We brag selfishly how they want to be like us and how every guy wants us.

"Ugh, I can't believe I got Jye Brooks as a partner" she whines.

"Bitch, don't even get me started..."


Chapter 2 done. You like? What do you reckons gonna happen next? Please vote/Comment on what you think of my story so far. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Much love xx

- Claudia xx

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