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thongin: pst, hunnie

sehoe: wut
sehoe: omg it's almost midnight
sehoe: is this important

thongin: yes

sehoe: what is it

thongin: come star gazing with me

sehoe: what why

thongin: the stars are so unbelievable tonight
thongin: there's no reason not to
thongin: it's summer
thongin: school ends tomorrow
thongin: come on

sehoe: idk.
sehoe: wouldn't I have to sneak out?

thongin: yes.

sehoe: ...idk..

thongin: please?

sehoe: I'll think about it.

thongin: well hurry up.
thongin: can I see you?

sehoe: what why

thongin: please

sehoe: .. you're so weird.


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thongin: come join me

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thongin: come join me

sehoe: idk.

thongin: please?
thongin: <3

sehoe: fine.

that heart emoticon meant everything to sehun.
[next chapter will be a different format.]

stars | sekaiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant