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sehoe: jongin

thongin: hm?

sehoe: it hurts

thongin: what does?

sehoe: what do you think?
sehoe: you made me bleed, you asshole

thongin: oh
thongin: baby, im sorry
thongin: at least you left here with $100

sehoe: i guess..
sehoe: i can't sit down
sehoe: you took my first kiss and my virginity wtf

thongin: sorry xx

sehoe: nO yOU aReNt

thongin: (;
thongin: lets do that again sometime

sehoe: idk
sehoe: not if youre going to go in dry like that again
sehoe: that shit was no bueno

thongin: [mature content]
thongin: it misses you

sehoe: oh my god
sehoe: ur a hoe

thongin: says the person w/ hoe in their display name

sehunnie🎀: not anymore

thongin: omg twink

sehunnie🎀: nO

daddy🍆: yes

sehunnie🎀: stOp this is abUse
sehunnie🎀: oKay ill change it back
sehoe: damn

thongin: lmao ure cute
thongin: come over later

sehoe: i cant

thongin: but we miss you xx

sehoe: we?

thongin: yes yes

sehoe: omg no

thongin: why cant you come over

sehoe: im going out with my parents

thongin: ):

sehoe: ill see you later

thongin: nO

sehun didn't want to say bye.

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