Chapter 1

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I never knew having a son would be so hard to handle.. But it is! 1 month ago today I gave birth to most beautiful boy ever! He had blonde hair just like mine, and I'm quite lucky he looks more like me and not his dad. Speaking of his dad, Jason, he's not spoken to me since I was in the hospital waiting for Noah to be born, but it's his loss because Callum's been an amazing dad to Noah, and when Noah sees him he acts like he really is his dad.

It's a great life to have, with a baby, you get to do all the things that mothers do and I remember before I even got pregnant how I seen mothers in streets and I'd say 'I want a baby' to my friends and they'd say it too. But I also have a baby brother, Chase, who's 3 months old. But I must say he is lush! I don't usually spend time with chase as I have Noah to look after, but it's great when I do as he smiles at me like he's happy I'm there!

Right now I'm just led in bed on my phone, seeing as Callum's still asleep and snoring in my ear. Right now the time is 9:30, which means I need to get up and get ready as I have Scarlett coming round today! We're going shopping for new clothes and probably to get our nails done, so we're going out on a girly day with Noah too. I hopped out of bed and walked into my bathroom too pee, then I brushed my teeth, and then I started the shower to get in. I took my clothes off and looked at my stomach in my long mirror "it's weird not having a huge tummy" I said to myself. "You get used to it sugar" I turned around to see my mum so I smiled and put a towel round me. "Where you going today?" She asked me. "I, going out with Scarlett and Noah, it's the first time I'm taking him to a public area since he was in my tummy" I said back still smiling "we'll be careful, you will get those teenagers crowding round you saying 'he's so beautiful' and it may get to much for him!" She spoke back concernedly "mum he will be fine! No can you leave as I'm trying to have a shower!" She smiled and waved and left the bathroom so I got in the shower.

*20 minutes later*

I was out the shower and all dressed, I was wearing a pair of black leggings, a white top and a blue hoodie. Now I just had to dry my long and thick hair, but I couldn't be bothered so u just left it damp. Finally Callum had woken up and he was just led in bed staring at me. "Callum? Why are you staring at me?" He just blinked and smiled, then got out of bed and walked over to me and kissed me and said "you look beautiful today" he made me blush and then we heard Noah start crying through the baby monitor. "I've got it" I said to Callum. I walked into Noah's nursery and took him out of his cot and kissed the top of his head. I grabbed a bottle from out of his steriliser and filled it with milk and I sat down in a chair sand gave it to him. Once he finished I burped him and started speaking to him "we're going to go out today, and we're going to see your god mommy and lots of other people!" I smiled at him as he just led their staring at me before falling asleep again. I led him in his cot while I found him something to where, I was just going to put  white baby grow on him with blue polka dots all over it, it said 'I love hugs' in the middle of it. I got him dressed then there was a knock at the door so I carried him downstairs and opened the door to Scarlett.

"Hey hey! There's my handsome boy" she smiled stroking his cheek. "I just have to get my shoes on and put him in his pushchair then we can go!" We started getting all excited to be going shopping again! I gave Noah to Scarlett while I got my shoes on and grabbed his pushchair from in the dining room. I strapped him into his car seat then attached his car seat to his pushchair and we were ready to go. "I just have to grab my bag and say goodbye to Callum quick!" I said rushing up the stairs before she could say anything, I walked into the bedroom to see Callum getting ready for work. "I'm going now babe" I said to him while grabbing my bag and Noah's nappy bag. "Do I not get a kiss?" He said putting on a sad face, I walked over to him and kissed him and then left the room and I was ready to go!

Walking and talking with Scarlett was the best, we spoke about everything! I don't really keep in touch with Mindy much, she got a boyfriend and moved in with him a while ago, not like I'm bothered. Scarlett was my best friend and I wasn't bothered about another girl, and Scarlett was a great help with Noah when I needed it! But as we walked through the shopping mall doors so many people my age and from my school were here. And they all stared at me in astonishment. 3 girls, which seemed to be popular, had walked over to me and Scarlett. "Hey scar! Fancy seeing you here!" One of the girls said. "Yeah, I came with my best friend Lola!" Scarlett said back with a massive smile on her face. Al, the 3 girls looked at me and smiled, although the one that had spoke to Scarlett gave me a glare "Lola? The one that has a baby at 15? Is this really Callum's kid? Oh wait no I forgot you slept around didn't you?". I stared at her blankly as her friends laughed behind her. She made me feel embarrassed, I wanted to say something but instead I just walked away with Noah, I didn't want arguing in front of my son!

I sat by the fountain for a while waiting for Scarlett who was still taking to those girls. I was waiting for over half an hour with a sleeping baby, and still no Scarlett. Right in fro of me was a shop full of baby clothes, so I decided to go and have a look.

I walked in and I walked over to the newborn and 0-3 months boys section. So many baby grows and vests in many different colours. I found loads of new baby grows for him and decided I was going to go pay, until I seen this cute pair of Nike rosche shoes in black, I wanted to get them for Noah, but I decided to wait until he could walk and decided to pay for everything else.

I went to many different shops for things for me, Noah and even a few things for Callum. A few people from school had stopped me to ask how I was and even said how much Noah looked like me. But still Scarlett didn't come back. Noah started to get hungry so I decided to go to the canteen to feed him his bottle and to get some food for myself.

After I ate and Noah had fallen asleep I took my phone out of my bag and seen I had a message from Scarlett: 'I tried to find you but don't know where you went, so I decided to stay with the girls' I deleted the text and rang Callum to come and pick me and Noah up. 

I waited outside for Callum and as I was waiting Scarlett and the 3 girls had walked out, they all stared at me, and Scarlett walked over to me, but every time she spoke I just ignored her. I didn't wanna speak to her.

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