Chapter 3

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"Hello?" I spoke down the phone. "Hello, this is dr maiden from st Audrey's hospital, I'm calling on regards of Jake Webb, he was involved in a hit and run accident about 30 minutes ago." I was in shock, the fact that my brother was hit and the driver didn't even care and just left him...

I let my mum and everyone know what was going on with Jake and me and my mum and Scarlett got to the hospital while Callum and Luca watched the boys. Sitting in the waiting room made me anxious, was my brother going to be okay? I was just sat silently, I was blank. I didn't know what to do or what to think. Scarlett was so upset, she way crying, in tears. My mum was shaking and every time a tear slipped from her eyes she'd wipe it as if she was brave enough not to cry. I looked around the halls and just didn't know what to do.. So I stood up and went for a walk. I walked for about 10 minutes until I got to the mother and baby unit. I remember being in that unit for so long. I looked through the nursery at all the tiny babies that were lead there sound asleep. I walked down the hall and looked at the room I was in. It had a young mother in there was a very small baby girl. She seen me looking and smiled at me, so I smiled back. She looked as if she was struggling a lot so I went in more. "Are you okay?" I asked her

She looked up and smiled again "I'm fine, just being a mum at 15 is such hard work, and I've only just had her. I love her already but I struggled all through the pregnancy getting so much hate from so many people, and my daughters dad left me too." I understood her situation well. I'd been through the same. She started to cry and I hugged her, I know we've just met but I understand her pain. "I know the feeling" I said back. "You do?" "Yeah, I have a baby boy at home, and I'm 15 too! I know how bad it was getting hated and all of the hurtful comments people would say. And I know the struggle! My son made me lose a lot of blood a few months before he was meant to be born. I was stuck in this room for so long. But trust me it's worth it all, your daughter is gorgeous!" She started smiling and looked at her daughter. She was so beautiful, I wish I could have a girl.

We talked for a really long time and had spoke a lot about Noah and her daughter which she's calling Ava. "So I never asked for your name by the way? I'm Lola" I smiled. "I'm Lexi. Lola can I get your number so I can text you so we can meet up one day?" I giggled and nodded my head yes. We gave each other our numbers and I left the room as her mum walked in. I went back to the waiting room where my mum and Scarlett were crying."Lola where were you?!?!" My mum shouted while sobbing. "I only went for a walk, I was getting anxious. What's happened?" My mum just sobbed even more and Scarlett looked at me so I gave her a questioning look. "Jake... H-he woke up, b-but he's not going to make it..." Hearing those words made me cry. I ran to his room and just looked through the window on the door and seen how he was attached to so many wires and machines. My heart sank, I slid down the wall in agony and I didn't stop crying. After 10 minutes I finally got the courage to stand up and go inside.. He looked so peaceful, although his body was covered in cuts and scratches. He was bandaged up and his face... I just couldn't bare it. I walked over to his bed and hugged him as I broke down. "Not my brother.. My twin brother! We lost dad and I just can't loose you!" I was crying so much at this point "You mean so much to us all Jake! Please pull through. Be okay!!"

Suddenly the beeping stopped... It was just a long beeping noise and the monitor shown that he was gone... Doctors rushed in the room and I ran out the room crying.. I couldn't bare it. I ran to my mum and Scarlett and shook my head no as they looked at me. They both stood up and hugged me as we all stood there and cried. I couldn't bare the fact that my brother was gone... My twin... He was my bestfriend! I got out of the hug and walked out of the hospital. I couldn't be here anymore.

It took me 20 minutes to walk home. As I walked through the door Luca was on the sofa with Chase in the bouncy chair. "How's Jake?" After hearing his name I sat on the sofa and cried. Luca hugged me to assure me that it will hurt but I will be fine.. I told him my mum can explain it all when she's home. I walked upstairs and opened Noah's door to see he was asleep. I walked into my room and Callum looked up at me and seen how I'd been crying, he jumped off the bed and hugged me.

"Baby what's happened?" He asked me. I sobbed into his shirt "h-he, he's g-gone" I cried so much more by this point. I didn't know what I was meant to do so I just cried into Callum hoping that it would be okay, but I knew it won't be. I lost my brother, my bestfriend. The only person I could run to when something was wrong. The only boy I grew up with. The person that meant so much more to me than anyone ever would!

My world has crashed... And now, I don't even know what to do with myself anymore. My life wasn't going to be the same... I felt over...

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