Chapter 2

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As soon as I got home I put Noah into his cot as he'd fallen asleep on the journey back, like most kids do. I walked into my bedroom and sat down on the bed and put on the tv, I flicked through the channels and found the Jeremy Kyle show was on so I started watching it. I got a text from Scarlett saying she wanted to talk so I told her to come over in about 5 minutes.

Callum had walked in and sat down next to me and I cuddled into him as he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead. "You hungry at all?" He asked me smiling. "No I ate while I was shopping, but I want a strawberry smoothie. And speaking of the shopping can you help me bring all the bags in?" He looked at me and gave out a sigh, so I gave him the puppy dog eyes to which he smiled so I gave him a kiss. "Don't want much from me do you?" He said smirking. I smiled and laughed at home before getting out of bed and walking to the car to bring in all the bags. I took Noah's stuff into his room and started folding it all and putting all of it away.

"Hey Lola" I turned round and seen Scarlett stood in Noah's doorway. "Hi" I said turning back round and folding everything again. "Listen, I'm sorry I left you to shop by yourself, just they wouldn't let me go back and see you and practically made me stay by dragging me around with them. I wanted to shop with you and I couldn't and I can't tell you how sorry I am" I stood up and walked over to her and gave her a hug, I heard her let out a sigh of relief. We looked at each other and laughed. "I'm glad you listened to me, I thought you were going to kick me out or something!" I looked at her a bit confused. "Scarlett I'm the one that invited you round?" "Yeah but, I thought you might of changed your mind and kicked me out" she said still quite happy I accepted her apology. "No Scarlett, anyway I want a strawberry smoothie and so do you, so come on let's go get one" we linked arms and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"Lola sweetie" my mum said walking into the kitchen, I turned round and looked at her and smiled "yes mom?" She put down a lot of paperwork onto the table. "This is all for my new job interview for tomorrow, I have to fill things out now and Luca is at work. I was wondering if you could watch chase for me as you've got Scarlett here and make and Callum have gone out" I looked at my mom about to speak and then Scarlett spoke for me "of course we will look after chase! Of course I will as Lola has Noah, but we will both watch him for a few hours for you!" She said really excitedly. My mum smiled and said thank you and took us into the living room where chase was sat in a small bouncy chair asleep.

Chase was still so small for being 3 months old, I know all babies are small but he was so tiny, it might be because he was premature. But he was adorable in every way possible, he had features of his face from Luca and some from my mom. A bit like Noah, he had some from me and some from Jason, but he had my blonde hair so it's okay. While me and Scarlett were looking after both of the boys we decided to watch a movie, we watched the notebook which I must say is my favourite movie. Both boys were sat in their bouncy chairs and were sound a sleep so we got the movie started

*3 hours later*

My eyes slowly opened, we must have fallen asleep halfway through the movie because I don't remember watching the end. Scarlett was still asleep so I stretched and yawned and went to peep down on Noah and chase and they were gone. I walked into the kitchen and seen Luca had chase and was sat with my mom but Noah wasn't there. "Sweetie is everything okay?" My mom asked, but I just ran out the kitchen and went upstairs to Noah's room, he wasn't there. Where is he?! I heard the tv was on my bedroom so I walked in and suddenly I calmed as I seen Callum was cuddling Noah on the bed. I let out a small breath of relief and Callum looked up and smiled so I sat down on the bed and kissed Noah on the head. "Noah was getting stressed as he woke up for a feed but I didn't wanna wake you so I did it for you" he told me still smiling, although he was looking at Noah now. "It's okay baby, thank you. I needed that sleep" I said kissing him on the cheek.

My life was perfect right now and I couldn't be happier with the way things are. I have a healthy baby, I have an amazing boyfriend. I have an awesome family that love and support me and an amazing bestfriend that's constantly there when I need her. This is the best part of my life right now and nothing will ruin it.
Until I got a phone call...

"Hello?" I spoke down the phone. "Hello, this is dr maiden from st Audrey's hospital, I'm calling on regards of Jake Webb, he was involved in a hit and run accident about 30 minutes ago."

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