XLVII. Lion Makes the Best Decisions

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Three Months Later...

I looked at my teammates as we flew on Outlandish Falcons over to the gathering hall with the rest of the Outland Ranger Corps. Elena had turned fourteen in the past three months, and David had turned thirteen point one, in Asmerian aging counts. Jeff, Karen, and I were all born in the Autumn, and it was currently the middle of summer. We had been doing missions ever since we had gotten back, but none of them amounted to the excitement that had been from escorting Isabel. I hadn't seen her since, as only her closest friends were allowed to get a glimpse of her. She was the Grand Wizardess, after all.

It wasn't much farther to the gathering hall; the Falcons went at more than seventy miles per hour, and our destination was only about half that. We sped to the brilliantly lighted building, and I stared at the stars. It had been three months since our fateful quest, and still I could see the acidic saliva of the geovores. Toxiclaw's growing sped through my head, and the glimpses I saw of Jeff's battle with the Aeromancer were forever burned into my memory. Not all of these memories were bad, of course, but the constant reminding was annoying.

I looked back at the hall. Tombstone, our faithful Outlandish Falcon that had served us since the very beginning, dove into a downward swoop towards the ground. With amazing grace, he swept up and landed on his feet. As we dismounted our bird, I looked into his eye. See? Who needs a dragon? He seemed to ask. I nearly chuckled at his hubris. I turned and strolled into the hall, remembering our three-week walk through boring landscapes and dull bandits. I hoped to see the Badlands again, but I didn't think there would really be a time when I would.

There were five sections of seats, which had been removed during the ball which had celebrated the Grand Warlock's birthday. The Deadlands section was obviously empty, and I had told the other Ranger's about our adventures(Oculus said it was fine). However, the other Rangers didn't know about it, so they were talking in confused whispers. Oculus and Commander Tallen van Rook told us to sit in the far right section, which was only slightly less lonely than the Deadlands section. We, of course, obeyed their command, and sat in an orderly fashion in the wooden benches.

We chatted for a while before the head councillor stepped out. He cleared his throat. We silenced ourselves and each other immediately, then put on our masks again. "Outlands," he called out. We all called back in unison, and I cheered internally at our amazing unity. The head councillor called out the Highlands next, and the Highland Ranger Corps responded in kind. Then, there was the Badlands, and the Woodlands. "...And the Deadland Rangers are all dead, so all who are alive are in attendance..." The head councillor spoke. He was about to continue, but all the other Ranger Corps called out, "WHAT?!" The fact that the Deadlands was taken over by Infernas was no surprise to the Outland Rangers, but no others had learned about it.

"Oh, that's right. Infernas has taken over the Deadlands, but don't worry, for the fire he creates will not go past the borders." He spoke as if the problem was nothing for now, but the Rangers were still in panic. "I SAID, CALM DOWN!" The head councillor shouted, and everyone was silenced again. I felt as if this happened too much--the head councillor trying to calm people down, but the Rangers never shutting up. He cleared his throat again. "Anyway...

"We have a mission..." he began, and I immediately stood up to shout that my team would take it, but my teammates realized what I was doing and pulled me down. David put his hand over my mouth to cover my shout. Oculus looked back at us and would have smiled if his face wasn't a plate of metal. "...That lies in a magic farm. We have been lead to believe by the Headmaster," the head councillor continued, looking behind him, as if he was glaring at Oscar. "That a very powerful piece of magic, a core, is in there. Infernas, of course, plans to retrieve it, or at least send someone to retrieve it, in four days. We need a team that is willing to go over there and stop them. The Grand Wizardess has chosen to accompany the team that joins. Any volunteers?"

Oculus stood up. "I believe the Outlands has a team that is willing to go," he said to the head councillor. My friends, the best of my companions, were kicking me in the stomach and trying to shut me up as he was saying this. "Lion, Karen, Ko, David, Jeff, and Eli'Nasudora, please stand." My friends stopped, looked at Oculus and horror, then at me in outrage. I gulped, then stood, somehow overcoming their attempts to keep me down. Perhaps they had lost heart. It seemed they had, for they stood up with me. "We are willing to take it," I said, trying to keep my hysterical laughter down. I looked back at my team. Elena was already reaching for her bowedge.

"Well, then it's settled. Those who escorted the Grand Wizardess, funnily enough, will be working with her again. I suppose she will be pleased to see you again. Among other matters..." The head councillor had many other things to say, as this was the meeting for the Rangers, but I was too busy being beat by my loyal partners to listen that well. The meeting ended an hour later.

Tombstone quickly flew us back. When we reached our dormitories, I sat down on one of the chairs in the room while my friends yelled at me.

"Are you insane? Again?" Elena shot.

"This is too far," Ko uncharacteristically criticized.

"You can't go on like this, Lion," David noted.

"I hate you," Karen blatantly stated.

"This better not kill us," Jeff loyally threatened, always knowing to live with my stupid decisions.

"Woof," Marrow barked, agreeing with Jeff.

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it now," I told them. "You guys better start training. We have four days." My friends sighed grabbed their weapons, ready to fight again.

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