Chapter 18: Wedding

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You and L couldn't be happier. It was the day of your wedding. You was so excited, not only because you was getting married today, but you was getting married in the place you loved most... England!!!

You had woken up extra early to get yourself extra dolled up. All your friends were here, helping you get your dress on, make up, hair, shoes, everything. You couldn't of asked for better friends.

"Ta-da!! All done" (best friends name) shouts excitedly, holding up a mirror so you could see your reflection.

'Holy shit I look amazing' you thought to yourself. Your hair was half up, half down. It was braided at the top then slowly went down into beautiful (h/c) curls, you had little flowers in your hair and a beautiful silver tiara which made the colour of your eyes pop out even more than usual.
The dress you was wearing was breath taking. It wasn't too out going, but was perfect. It had long sleeved laces hugging onto your arms and a long trail that lead behind you.

Today was going to be perfect

--------time skip to ceremony--------

You pulled up in (favourite car) at the alter. No body was outside apart from Watari. He stood proudly, slowly walking towards you and opening the car door, holding out his hand for you to take.

"You look stunning, (y/n)" Watari gleamed. He smiled sweetly, linking arms with you as you walked towards the church.

Walking into the door, you heard the music coming on and everyone standing. All of your loved ones was there. Matsuda, Mello, Near, Matt, the task force you worked with, Wammy, hell even beyond birthday was there (handcuffed and with a few officers of course). It was perfect.

Now you've just got to try and not trip on this huge dress.

You walked slowly, gripping onto Watari for dear life. Everyone smiled at you as you walked past. You would smile back but you was too busy focused on something else... Your fiancé.

L turned around, wow, he was standing up straight... And in a suit!!! He was looking at you with a small smile on his face, Matsuda was standing next to him, being the closest to L and you both. You smile at L, seeing a small tear run down his cheek.

You finally arrive next to the man of your dreams. Watari kisses you on the cheek and sits down next to the Wammy kids.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of (y/n) and Ryuzakki (alias name)..."

--slight time skip because I don't know how wedding ceremony's go---

"Ryuzakki, do you take (f/n) (l/n)to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold. In sickness and in health till death do us part?" For vicar asked. L looked at you, a smile appearing on his face. His grip on your hands tightened and he uttered the two words you will cherish forever.

"I do."

"(Y/n), do you take Ryuzakki to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do us part?"

"I do."

"Well then, Ryuzakki, you may now kiss the bride"

L leaned in, cupping your face with both his hands, kissing you passionately. Yours and L's loved ones surrounding the both of you cheered loudly. You've never been so happy.

Here it starts, the rest of your life with your husband, the greatest detective alive.


ARGGGF SO CUTE :3 hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, remember to vote for my chapters :) ❤️❤️

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