Chapter 6: Nothing has changed

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"What are your thoughts on kira"

"Well i guess he's okay. He is making the world a bit better, but...what hes doing is still wrong... Why?" You was curious now, where had this question come from?

"You see, I'm working with L, he isn't really one of my friends. He's who I'm working with. Im sorry i lied to you..." He looked at you with those small brown eyes. Narrowed, like he wasn't truly sorry.

"Why are you sorry, light? It was a little white lie, its not like you are kira. Now that would be a big lie." You said.

Light sharply turned his head towards you, his eyes were wide. But he quickly returned to his smug self.

"Oh, really. Well then its good that I'm not kira then" light said.

~~~~~~~~~le time skip to 8:30 pm~~~~~~~~~

"Hello (y/n), i would tell you what room he's in but I'm guessing you already know." said the security guard as you walked through the revolving doors. He was nice, not like what you would expect of a security guard.

"Thanks" you say with a warm smile.

'Jeez my hands are numb, well it is the first of december.' You think running up thousands of stairs.

*after 1000,0000,0000,0069 stairs*

"Hey Knock knock!!" You say panting.

You're greeted to watari and his butter would melt smile. Its so good to have him back, he was like a father to you. And nothing has changed these past few months since you was reunited with L.

"Hello, (y/n) its lovely to see you." Smiled watari. He pulled you in for a big hug. "Words cant describe how much i have missed these hugs with you, (y/n)"

"Same here old man" you tease.

"Oh, you haven't changed one bit." Says watari as he pulls away from the warm embrace. "Hes in the living room."

"Thanks" you say politely. "OH!! Here you go, i stopped by the store to get L is sugar and thought you would like these" you hand him the chocolates, bookmark and earl grey tea tea.

He doesn't say anything for a while. But his face says it all...

"Why thank you sweetie, this is going to be the best night off, all thanks to you" he gives you a quick peck on the forehead before heading to his room.

You said your quick goodbyes with watari and headed into the living room. What you saw you wasn't expecting...

L had rearranged the furniture so all the sofa's where pushed to the side. And there was all of the cushions from the couch on the floor. There was about 6 or 7 duvet covers put in a neat square on the floor (some for a mattress like floor and overs to go over you). Why would he have done all of this...for you?

"L did you do all of this?" You ask, wide eyed as you place your bags on the floor.

"Oh, hello (y/n). And yes, i wanted to surprise you." He smiled at you sweetly. Wow...he smiled. You haven't seen him smile since you baked him a strawberry cake on his 15 birthday...

"Wow, its perfect. Thanks L" you say, you walk over to the slouched young and lets say VERY attractive man and give him a massive hug.

He hesitates at first but hugs back and buries his face in your shoulder. You think you hear him breath in but that might of been you... Your heart was beating to fast to notice who it was.

"So i bought you sweets" you say as you both separate awkwardly.


"What films have you got?" You asked. You wanted the awkward silence to end...

--------------L's POV-----------

"Well, there is sixth sense, the lost boys, sherlock Holmes, ghost busters or titanic..." I chose sixth sense but the rest light chose. What a sappy teenager he is...maybe Misa had something to do with it...

"T-titanic?" She laughed. Oh god, theres that feeling again. Every time she smiles. I get this feeling in my stomach. Like butterflies...very violent butterfly's to be exact. She is just so beautiful. Her (h/c) hair. Her sparkly (e/c) eyes. Everything makes me want to just explode.

"Erm, have you seen sixth sense?" I asked. I know i haven't, i don't really watch movies seeming as I'm always working on fact, (y/n) is my first ever friend...

"Nope. But ive heard its a great film though. Is that our first choice?" She asked sweetly. AHH that look. Gadd. I wish i could just go over there and kiss her till i cant breath. But theres a 99% chance she doesn't like me back...

"Yeah ok." I said. She sat on the...thing... I made on the floor while i popped the dvd into the dvd player and turned the lights out.

Here we go...

----------Your POV---------

We sat there watching the film. There was one bit, i think when the dead girl grabs the boys leg at the funeral. Yeah, that bit. Well anyways. It made L jump. He shouted and held my hand. He hasn't let fact...after about 30 seconds of of holding on to my hand for dear life, he linked the fingers and snuggled into me. My heart is racing as fast as ever and I'm glad I'm spending time with the only person i care about in this world. What can i say, you cant spell world without L...

"Hey, (y/n) are you okay?" L whispered. 'Gahhh why cant i kiss him yet?!' You thought 'oh yeah, because he probably doesn't like me back thats why!'

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you" you looked at your interwind fingers.

He blushed. And said his little "im fine".

You both stared at eachother for a while, little did you both know you both was leaning closer.

"(Y/n)" L whispered.

"Yes?" You said, barely above a whisper.

"Nothings changed..." He said, staring at your lips with a slight blush dusted across his cheeks.

"W-what do you mean?"

"The day you left wammys house, i told you i loved you. You may have thought it was as a sister, or a friend. B-but it wasn't. You are the most beautiful creature i have ever seen and my stomach does summersaults when you smile. I loved you then and i still do now. Ive never stopped (y/n)" he looked back at the tv. He looked like he was about to cry...

"Oh L, I've always loved you. Ever since you caught me snooping in the wammys freezer at whatever o clock. I still love you..." You say.

L looks back at you and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. And leans in so close there is probably only about an inch between you.

"Ive waited years to do this..." And with that he closed the gap between you.

His lips were smooth and the kiss was slow but full of passion. He moved his hand away from yours and wrapped his arm around your waist.

Your arms fold around L's neck and your hands find themselves in his luscious black locks. You tug slightly on L's hair and he moans delightfully and kisses you harder.

"Hmm" l breathes and licks your bottom lip for entrance. Which of course. You accept.

You open your mouth and L's tongue comes darting in and feels around your mouth. This lasts for a minute longer when you both separate for air.

"I-i L-l-love y-you so mu-uch (y/n) please be m-mine"

"Yes L...forever" you smile and he gentle nips at your neck"

"Hmm good because there is a 110% chance that you're mine even if you said no" he teases.

You spend the rest of the night cuddling and kissing while watching movies.

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