Lab Rats Fanfic: Better Than Any Other

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Chapter 1

"Stop hurting them!" Adam yelled. "They're my family!" He grabbed the man hovering over Chase and Bree, who were tied to a metal pole that looked like it supported the whole warehouse.

Adam could see that Chase was trying to use his molecular kenesis to make the ropes untie themselves but it was no use. Bree was screaming random noises, her vocal munipulation glitching. Adam was standing on a catwalk, holding the man by his brown denim jacket over the edge of the catwalk which lead to a broken window with nothing to land on but the ground.

"You'll let them go or it's a long way down!" He shouted at Douglas. "Make Marcus untie them now!" His eyes glowed red as he started his heat vision.

Douglas kicked Adams stomach and Adam lost his grip. Douglas, however, had grabbed onto a lose chain and swung to the catwalk below them. "Marcus!" He shouted. The android looked up. "Finish them off!" He pointed at Bree and Chase.

Marcus made for them, but was thrown at the wall as Adam jumped from catwalk and crashed into the android. Adam used his heat vision to free his brother and sister, and together, they prepared for a fight. Chase deployed a force field, shrunk it, and threw it at a ceiling beam above Marcus. It tumbled down at him, but Marcus used his green lasers to make it explode.

A big piece flew at Chase, and sent him flying into the wall. "CHASE!" Bree yelled. She super sped over to him and picked his head up from the concrete that almost killed him.

Adam stood there and glared at Marcus. Suddenly, as I'd he turned into Spike like Chase does, his voice deepened and he shouted. "NO ONE DOES THAT TO MY LITTLE BROTHER!" His fists and arms started to glow blue, and energy sparked. A bright blue ball formed in Adams hands like Chases force field, and it crackled with energy. Adam launched it at Marcus, who took it full blow.

Alarms wailed, lights flashed. Bree had Chase over her shoulder and said, "come on Adam!"

"WAIT!" Douglas shouted. They almost forgot he was here. "You're not going anywhere!" He jumped from the catwalk he has remained on. The place was caving in. Marcus was knocked out against the wall.

Adam shot a laser at him, and Douglas went flying out the window, and fell to ground. "Let's get Leo and get out of here!" Adam said. The bionic teenagers ran from the warehouse and just made it in time before it caved in on Marcus and who knows who else.

Chapter 2

Chase was sitting on the couch, still in his new mission suit, asleep, with a cold pack on his head.

Mr. Davenport came in from the lab, the secret elevator doors opening and closing. "That was a nasty blow," he whispered, not wanting to wake Chase. "But it's good it wasn't anything worse. Who knows what could have happened to his bionics if anything hit his brain." He shivered.

Leo stood up. "Big D, what just happened back there? With Adam and the blue thing and the-"

"It was Adams first hidden ability. Like Chase and Bree's." "oh." Leo said.

"So he's gonna be ok?" Asked Bree, who was putting an ice pack on her knee and sitting next to Chase. She looked longingly at him. "I don't know what we would do without him." She took his hand and squeezed it.

Mr. Davenport said, "lets talk in the lab."

The four of them, Leo, Bree, Adam, and Mr. Davenport stood at his lab table five minutes later.

"Ok." He said. "It's time for the truth."

Adam and Bree looked at each other. "The truth?" He asked.

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